TIP #5: Being Original

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I can't tell you how many times I've seen the same story written, only different writer. Seriously, if your story is like so many other stories—not very original or unique—then that poses some problem. Readers will feel as though they have read your version of story somewhere else and, likely, they have. So, make sure that you are telling something unique, something that has originality, and not what you can find on this platform by the dozens.

Then, you have to make sure that your "original" story is well-written. If you are all over the place and struggle with paragraph development and punctuation, then it might turn people off. Remember, readers have a host of stories from which to choose, and if you've not put forth work with some level of edge and sound storytelling, then you may be passed over.


Originality. Engaging. Well-written. That's the goal!

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