TIP #10: Confronting Writer's Block

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Anyone who has ever attempted writing has most likely been confronted with this ugly little inspiration snatcher. Yes, I'm referring to writer's block. 

As defined by Wikipedia: 

"Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work."

And, honestly, that's a bit presumptuous, especially here on Wattpad. That's assuming that a writer has produced work before. What if the victim of this condition is an aspiring writer who has yet to produce anything and can't manage to finish his first work? Imagine that. Now, imagine that being you, and if it is you, then here are a few tips to help you overcome writer's block and find inspiration. Note: Everything I'm telling you here are things that I've employed when writing. 

1) Work on more than one project at a time - For me, this works. When I'm stunted by one project, it always helps me to switch gears a bit and work on another project or something new. It gets the creative juices flowing again. As the creativity flows, it becomes easier to tackle and beat writer's block. 

2) Take some time away from writing - Sometimes, it's helpful to take a break. Don't feel so much pressure to keep driving yourself crazy that you can't take a pause, ya know, walk away for a while. You'll find that sometimes life outside of writing may spark inspiration, but if you are constantly staring at a blank computer screen, when would you have time to find that inspiration? So, yeah, if you're facing the block, turn off the computer and go play a video game or watch tv or take a walk, absorb nature. 

3) Read the works of others - Often, when I read other people's work, it inspires something in me, and I can begin to create again. Isn't it wonderful when other writers inspire you? Now, that's talent, and it should be your hope that one day you can pay it forward and inspire others, but first you must get past the block.

4) Use writing prompts - These are helpful little exercises to get you past the block. You can take simple things in your home or nature or wherever you are and try to create a paragraph or short story. For example, suppose you use a street lamp or any object as the prompt. Try to develop a paragraph or story with those objects as the focus or at least tied into the plot. Being able to create sometime quickly often helps with the block.  

"Writing exercises can loosen up the mind and get you to write things you would never write otherwise. If nothing else, they get words on the page, and if you do enough of that, some of it is bound to be good."

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