EXERCISE #10: Constructing a Basic Sentence

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In this exercise, you will be given a set of sentences. For each, you must identify which part of speech best completes the sentence, given your choices.


1. The __________ took me to the tenth floor. Which noun best completes this sentence?

a) ant

b) roller coaster

c) airplane

d) elevator

2. The librarian reminded the students to speak ________ in the library. Which adverb best completes this sentence?

a) loudly

b) greatly

c) softly

d) roughly

3. ________ need to study for your test. Which pronoun best completes this sentence?

a) He

b) You

c) Me

d) Who

4. My little brother jumped ________ the pool. Which preposition best completes this sentence?

a) on

b) since

c) to

d) into

5. Rachel _________ the clarinet in her high school band. Which verb best completes this sentence?

a) plays

b) runs

c) whistles

d) gives

6. When I stubbed my toe, I yelled ________. Which interjection best completes this sentence?

a) Yes!

b) Hello!

c) Ouch!

d) Yay!

7. Superheroes have ________ powers. Which adjective best completes this sentence?

a) special

b) blue

c) yellow

d) smelly

8. Terry ________ Mark are going to the movies this Saturday. Which conjunction best completes this sentence?

a) or

b) because

c) but

d) and


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