Chapter 4 - Mystery of the Golden Bomb - Daily Life

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-DAY 15-

Ding, dong, bing, bong...

"Good morning! Time to greet another bee-yutiful day!" Monokuma announced.

My feet were cumbersome stones, and slid out of bed, like the tumbling boulder that eradicated Yuichi. I was dragged with the weight, a mere anchor lugged down into a sea of sorrow. Before crashing to the ground I stumbled over, my hands scuffing against the chilled floor, a sting inundating in my palms. My knees ached from the impact onto the floor, and my body felt like a shifting weighted pendulum, careening back and forth. My world was a blur as I attempted to break away from slumber, but my movements proved sluggish due to the drudging trial, still recouping from the effects of our blighted perceptions from Katsumi. My hands rubbed my enervated eyes multiple times to adjust them, and checked if this was reality, and not a lie. Our numbers had dropped to nine in two weeks. Our classmates murdered one another in cold blood, and despite how lamentable this fact was, my nerves didn't tense up due to how used I was to this ordeal, and how it had debilitated and desensitized me.

Dropping like flies, all of the spilled blood, the faces before they leave this's onerous, but seeing it so many times didn't induce me much, and that notion horrified me. It really only affected me on who, twinging and tugging at my chest as if to pull me to the ground with them. I could feel my eyes widen in cognizance of how far I've come. I've survived this far, and my former friends died instead of me. I felt...undeserving. That sense was a dagger to my throat, lacerating the facade I obliviously didn't know I was maintaining. A saber to my heart, a virile rose of life tied to a knife to plow the core of my being, that was slowly decaying away into the anvil chorus of our misery. Half of my body felt as if it were capsizing into a pit of remorse, and slowly devouring my being. It was grievous...but there was nothing I could do about it. It's all Monokuma's fault, and the mastermind who controls that bear to domineer us. I felt my teeth grating slightly, so I stood up and got ready to eliminate the frustration.

I had written in my journal last night, but the trial and shocking execution impoverished the energy from inside me, so my writing lacked the grip it customarily had, that earned my talent for journalism- to promulgate news and events. It was justifiable though, since Katsumi had beguiled everyone. I left it on my desk and exited my dorm, heaving my languorous body towards the dining hall. Nobody greeted me, but what did greet me was a tenebrific aura that clung to every corner and wouldn't stop festering. Masami wasn't her usual self, for she rested her arms on the table and lay on them. Even amidst the poignancy, her visage still held remnants of her sanguine self, and my soul felt solaced upon seeing her. Untouched food sat just beyond her grasp, but her chestnut eyes only stared, glazed over with grief and tumult.

After fetching my breakfast, I sat myself down by her, still eyeing her plate. Her aura seemed to emanate a sea of lethargy. "Masami, are you feeling okay?" I spoke softly, trying not to startle her. The others reticently swallowed their food, the only thing that could be heard was silence. Before now, it buzzed with chatter and an affable feeling deluged the despair. But not today, as any form of alacrity had been snuffed out.

"I suppose I'm alright physically, but mentally and emotionally, I'm scattered. Katsu left us in confusion, and I feel as if I'm not the only one contemplating what's the truth and what's a lie."

"...I have too. I wonder how Katsumi felt about how her actions influenced us, and if she was truly complacent to die..."

"...Her eyes revealed her hatred for most things, but it's just so confounding to grasp that her entire existence was practically fabricated, towards us, towards everything. Yet her screams during her execution? Those definitely weren't falsified, even if she was the Ultimate Liar."

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