Chapter 5 - Verdant Strands of Fervor and Doom - Deadly Life

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There was blood splattered everywhere. Dripping from the plants, staining the floor, replacing the crisp air with a choking, metallic scent. The center garden bed was practically a garden of blood, spurting from the Monokuma Flower. There could only be one person in there, the last and only person who had been in this room. It could be none other than Renjiro Yoshioka, the Ultimate Spy.  

Ding, dong, bing, bong...

"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time to investigate, the class trial shall commence!"  Monokuma's voice rang out, completely eliminating the tranquility the garden always had. 

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, nor the others for that matter. Bewilderment was written all over their expressions, with our bodies left with nothing but terror. "How...How did this happen?! We were literally just in here a few minutes ago!!!" Kaori cried out, shaking her head in disbelief. Masami's legs gave out, letting out a thud once they hit the floor. The color had drained her face and her eyes were locked on to what stood tall in the sky. The Monokuma Flower...had devoured Renjiro...

I heard the doors opening up, and out of the corner of my eye, were Rokuro and Eriko. Seeing so much blood left them in the same state as us, petrified and speechless. This whole ordeal happened so suddenly. First those noises, then Renjiro's agonizing screech, and now he's dead... "It's such a ghastly sight. I know you're flummoxed, but if you want to solve the mystery, get to investigating!" Monokuma lay his elbow on my leg, resting against it. He examined his claws with the most pompous look a plush bear could pull off. My whole body tensed up as I squeezed his arms and held him before me. "This is all your fault! Those damn motives caused one of our friends to die!!!" I hollered into his face, my tone breaking the silence.

"Hey, hey, take it easy! It's what I intended to do," He answered, shrugging.

"None of us deserved the despair you instilled from that flashlight. We all couldn't take it any longer, so you used our frailty to your advantage and only made us break more! If it weren't for this fucking killing game, nobody would have died!!!" 

"Oh my my, did little Satoru just say the f-word?!" 

"Shut the fuck up, bear!!!" At this point I was blind with rage. I lifted Monokuma and was about to hurl him to the floor, when something caught hold of my arm. I regained my senses, this tenacious grip managing to get a hold of them too. It was Masami, her face frowning with censure.

"Puhuhu... She just saved you from being punished. You're one lucky guy. But you should've known that violence against me is prohibited in the first place. Anyway, the next Monokuma file should have been implemented in your e-handbooks. Here's Renjiro's room key!" The robot bear hopped from my hands and onto the floor, jangling Renjiro's key and placing it down. He skipped away in hubris, rubbing in the fact he had more jurisdiction.

"Toru, we should just do as he says," Masami told me in a quiet tone. I looked to the ground where the blood was now drying, giving in to Monokuma's command and Masami's request. I hate this. I hate everything about this place. But if I want to live, I have to abide by the rules. The same goes for the others, who wretchedly looked around. I had no choice. If I wanted to leave and save everyone else, we had to go through this once more, no matter how much it pained us.


I withdrew my e-handbook from my pocket, tapping on the new message. It was Monokuma File #5, the fifth record of a dear friend's demise. 

"Renjiro Yoshioka- Ultimate Spy

Died at 9:03 a.m, in the garden. 

Victim sustained multiple injuries while devoured by Monokuma Flower.

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