Chapter 5

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I wake to the sound of the door being swung open and bouncing off the wall. My eyes open lazily and I groan quietly in dissatisfaction. Who the hell is that?

Slowly, I roll so I face the door, and find Astrid staring at me from across the room, taking long strides in until she comes to stand at the side of my bed.

"Charlotte! Get up!" She shouts much too close to my ear. I wince and close my eyes, resisting the temptation to roll back over away from her.

"What is it, Astrid?" I ask, my voice croaky and low, still saturated with sleep.

"You're not awake?" She questions, her voice dropping in volume by the slightest.

"Obviously not." I huff quietly. "What do you need? Do you want me to come downstairs?" I ask, trying to at least save face and stay polite.

"Well... it's just that, um... breakfast is ready!" She exclaims, hesitating before informing me. Normally, I would question her weird tone, but right now I'm too tired to even think about getting out of bed.

"I'm really sorry, but I had a late night and I'd rather just sleep. I'll have some later, though, thank you." I mumble, starting to pull my blankets back over my head.

"Oh, well... alright." She mutters, starting to take a few steps back towards the door. I feel triumphant for a moment, but in my half conscious state wonder if my rejection will have negative repercussions in the future. I decide to check once again.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come downstairs?" I ask. I hate Astrid, but I can't start being rude to people this early on in the game.

"No, no, of course not. Sleep as long as you want." She says, before spinning and exiting, making sure to close the door behind her.

I quickly turn back over and drift off to sleep in seconds. I have no idea as to why she felt so strongly about coming and telling me breakfast was ready of her own accord, but I don't have the energy to think about it now. Instead, I let myself fall unconscious once again, where my dreams include green eyes and long brown hair.


I wake a few hours later well rested and void of Astrid shrieking next to me- it's a welcome feeling. I slowly sit up and find that Kiana's bed next to mine is empty. I strain my ears and hear the soft chatter of girls who weren't chosen for the second group date downstairs.

I trudge to the bathroom and make half an effort to put on some makeup. I know as soon as I leave my room the cameras will be on me and if I'm being broadcast on live television, I don't exactly want to look my worst.

Soon I've dressed myself and mentally prepared for the afternoon ahead. I'm not exactly looking forward to hanging out with these women for the rest of the week, but at least I have one thing to look forward to- sort of. I remember sneaking out to see Harry last night. Well, I didn't really sneak out to see him, just to return his card. It really was all his fault that I ended up staying, but, hey, what can you do?

I find myself itching to see him again, if only to joke around and laugh with him. I doubt I will be able to do such things with any of the women here, with the exception of Kiana possibly, especially with the camera's patrolling the mansion, not to mention the hidden ones I've noticed installed in the corners of the kitchen and bedrooms so far. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept cameras in our bathrooms.

I remind myself that I'll be seeing Harry in a few days although, sadly, I doubt I will have such an extended period of time completely alone with him, without cameras or another girl. I sigh at the thought, but quickly redirect my grievances. I don't like how much of my time I've spent thinking about him already- it's troubling and I feel a little disgruntled.

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