Chapter 21

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Once Harry and I leave the shower and dry off, I find myself faced with two options: Either I can leave Harry's room and retreat back to my own depressingly lonely accommodation, or I can stay upstairs with Harry at the risk of being caught. It takes about a second for me to choose the latter, thanks in part to Harry's incessant pleading.

I slip only my robe back on, not seeing a real need for clothes after what Harry and I just did together- I'm delighted at how good he was, although it's not much of a surprise. Judging by our other encounters, I already knew he'd be amazing.

Harry and I come to sit on his bed next to each other, each looking out through the large window adorning the wall, taking in the star-spattered night sky. There's no sexual tension now, besides the ever-present attraction I feel to Harry. Currently I only feel like spending time with him in a platonic way.

"Can I say I'm very glad you stumbled upon my room?" Harry asks and I blush.

"No, you're not allowed to say anything about it." I tease Harry, shooting a playful grin at him as my tongue sticks between my teeth. Harry shrugs, his lip drooping comically.

"Just sayin'- it's nice that you learnt to pick locks." He tells me and I giggle again, swatting him in the arm.

"Especially don't talk about that!" I exclaim, "I learnt a long time ago, haven't done it in a while." I pretend to joke around, but my words are truthful. I needed it for all sorts of excursions while employed at my old job- two bobby pins became more useful than my phone for a while.

"Alright, alright, I won't ask any more questions..." Harry trails off, a grin taking over his face as he looks away from me to the window. I watch him thoughtfully and for once I don't care if he catches me. I want to observe his effortless beauty and I'll be damned if anything is going to stop me.

"You have a lovely voice." I blurt as the memory comes to mind of when I first heard Harry singing as I approached his room. For a split second I thought it was an actual song playing- not a raw, untouched voice. I was wrong. Harry blushes and clasps both hands together nervously.

"Thank you very much." He acknowledges my compliment, but doesn't make eye contact with me. I wonder how Harry can be so embarrassed of having a talent so heavenly, but I decide it might be best not to push it. Every time I mention music to him he seems to clam up. So, instead, I change the subject-

"What's your middle name?" I divulge and at this Harry whips his head around to look at me, a quizzical expression on his face.

"Edward, if you must know." A half smile adorns his lips. I grin widely and nod with understanding. I recall one of the women reciting this fact on the first night of the show during the limousine ride to the mansion- I'd forgotten since then, but now my memory is sparked.

"What's yours then?"

"Elisabeth." I state frankly. Harry frowns at my sudden stiffness.

"What's the matter?" He questions.

"Nothing- just, nobody knows my middle name- besides my family." I admit. Harry's eyebrow quirks with surprise but he doesn't say much else.

"Just a middle name." He reasons and I nod. He's right- it's no big deal- but I've become accustomed to keeping as much of myself concealed as possible.

"Yeah, I know. I guess I'm just a private person." I tell him, putting on a mock-mysterious face in an attempt to lighten the mood. I succeed and Harry laughs.

"Isn't that what I told you before!? I said you were mysterious and you didn't believe me!" Harry exclaims and I shake my head in disapproval.

"I don't remember that." I lie- of course I remember it. We were sitting in his hotel room- the first time we saw each other against the rules. He was making judgements of my character and executed a spot-on assessment. That was the first time I ever realized he may be smarter than he appears.

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