Chapter 18 We find the defendant

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I was dressed in a cream colored dress. I had already gotten sick twice but not from morning sickness. I splashed water on my face, Alice was on the stand now and I was up next. We weren't allowed in the courtroom during other testimonies and thankfully Andrea had gotten me my own witness room. I had seen him and his family walking in but none of them made eye contact with me. I pulled my hair back into my bun and walked back to my room. Janie was in the courtroom with Todd and my parents.

"Sadie Haskins?" A woman called from outside the bathroom door. Here goes nothing. I walked out and she lead me down a long corridor and through a set of big wooden double doors. I passed the rows containing my parents and friends on one side and Drake's aunts and uncles on the other. I walked through the small gate and was lead up to the witness stand. The court officer swore me in and I looked over to the table where Drake and Andrea sat. He was wearing a well tailored suit that fit him perfectly and his usual messy hair was combed back. He didn't look at me but just being in the same room as him made my heart flutter.

"Ms. Haskins." Andrea said as she stood up and walked over to me. "Can you please tell the court how you know my client?"

"He was my boyfriend." I replied.

"But he's not anymore?" She asked faking confused, I knew she was going to ask these questions but it still stung.

"No we broke up when his little sister was in the hospital."

"You mean before the incident at the movie theater?" I nodded and said yes before she continued. "So your telling me that you and my client we not in a relationship when he attacked Mr. Collins." I again said yes. "So please tell me why my client would attack Mr. Collins for you if you two where no longer together?"

"Drake saw Adam attacking me, he had pushed me up against the wall and was trying to go under my dress. I was yelling for help but Adam smashed my head against the wall and punched me multiple times, why wouldn't he help." The jury nodded and wrote down notes.

"Now you and Adam also dated before, was this the only time he acted this way with you." I shook my head.

"No, we broke up because I wouldn't have sex with him. He forced himself on me once and on multiple occasions left bruises." Andrea clicked a button and the pictures Janie had taken of me that day at his house flashed up on the screen, at the time I was mad but now I was grateful she as thinking. Andrea said the date they were taken and continued to the hospital pictures and my head wounds. I heard the jury gasp along with Adams mothers cries. She had already taken the stand and told the jury that she did not think Drake should be punished for saving me.

"Was Drake there the entire time?"

"No, he came after most of the attack was over. He seem him touching me."

"Ms. Haskins what happened when you tried to get my client to stop hurting Adam?" I cringed.

"He couldn't, it was like he was in a trance, I don't even think me heard me." She nodded.

"So is it fair to say he was mentally incapable of stopping himself?"

"Yes, he wasn't there anymore. He stopped when I said he was killing him." I felt my eyes tear up.

"So he only came two when he realized what he was doing but during he was out of it?"


"Thank you." She went back and took her seat as the prosecutor stood up.

"Ms Haskins, could it be possible that you are exaggerating the extend of what Mr. Collins did to make Mr. Sanders seem more innocent in his actions?" She asked with a smile.

Another dumb teen bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें