Chapter 20 Yes

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I tossed and turned all night last night. My tired eyes had bags under them, I was looking at myself in the mirror trying to make myself presentable. Why would he just show up? It dosen't make any sense, why now? We didn't leave things on bad terms, but not very good ones either. I was still upset but I needed to let it go for my baby and for Drake.

I looked over at my comfy bed and was just about to lay back down when I saw my phone on my nightstand. I thought for a minute before I turned it on sighing when I saw the amount of missed texts and voice mails. I scrolled through Janie's laughing at her constant threatening to call the firedepartment and tell them I was locked in my room.

I went back and saw seventeen missed texts from Drake along with two voicemails. I started at the beginning and read through them all. By the time I had finished I was balling and sniffling. He had told me everything, everything, from the begining and asked for my forgivness, he told me all about his first court case and what happened with Clarissa explaining much more about it. He said he loved me and wanted to work it out and how he called six different obg's and couldn't find mine and that he wanted to come with me to the ultrasound so he could see the baby. I thought long and hard about what he said last night.

I picked up my phone and dialed Dr. Mkibbions number.

"Mkibbion health care this is Amy how can I help you?" The bright sounding receptionist asked.

"Hi this is Sadie Haskins , can you please transfer me to Finn in the ultrasound department?"

"Sure one moment please." I waited as the mindless music played.

"Hey Sadie what's up?" His voice came over the phone making me smile. I told him about last night and the texts I found this morning. "I told you, are you gonna forgive him?" He didn't sound upset, he sounded happy for me.

"I told him we needed a clean slate, I'm not sure if I made the right decision." I said hesitantly. My heart was still broken.

"I think you did, everyone deserves a second chance, he doesn't look like the kind of guy to ask someone to forgive him." I thought about that, he's not. I don't think he's ever been apologetic like this before.

"So I was wondering if you could squeeze me in today?" I heard papers ruffling.

"Um it looks like my 9 cancelled can you make it by then?" I looked at the clock, eight twelve.

"Yes that's perfect thank you!" I squealed.

"Ok see you then." We said our goodbyes and I quickly hung up to dial Drake. It rang three times before he picked up.

"What's the matter are you ok?" His groggy voice came over the phone and I instantly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" I heard him shuffling and groaning telling me yes.

"No, I'm up." Liar. "Is everything alright?" His words were a bit more alert sounding.

"I need a ride, can you come get me?" I heard him sigh in relief.

"Yeah I'll be there in fifteen."

"Thank you" I said before I hung up. I quickly showered and got dressed before my doorbell rang. His hair was still messy and the bags under his eyes were as dark as mine. We both looked at each other for a second before I looked at my watch.

"We gotta go, we have to be there by nine. I grabbed his hand without thinking to pull him behind me but quickly let go. The tingles in my hand made me jump. I looked up to see his eyes burning into mine. I turned to hide my blush and walked down the pathway to his car.

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