CHAPTER 02- Solution?✔

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"It's not easy oo, you have no choice but to let your daddy decide your fate, that's the only way out, he'll never marry you off to an irresponsible man, he'll choose the best out there for you. He married me off to Kabir and we weren't even close gaisuwa kawai ke hadamu nothing more nothing less and am I not happy? And blessed with 3 wonderful kids, I thank Allah. Think about this Khadi and turn to your Lord for his guidance.".

__Chapter Two___

Khadijah's P O V

I spent like 3 hours thinking of how my life took a 360 turn! Well i'm exaggerating but seriously 10 hours ago I was a happy girl and now? No kidding but i've finished up 2 rolls of tissue paper with tears and catarrh, suffering from a major headache as though my brain has turned into a club with dancers jumping up and down.     

Reminiscing of my convo with Yaa Ayshah is what reminds me that i'm still in her house and thus brings me out of my thoughts and back to my senses.

What happened earlier was my fault and I know it because my dad has a policy of 'Either you marry before uni or after you graduate uni' If you chose to be stubborn then the choice is his. He despises irrelevant relationships that would take you no where and all that stuff, Yaa Ayshah married Ya Kabir after graduating from Al-Qalam university Katsina who is our cousin with his father being my father's elder brother with whom we share the same compound, although his dad- Baba Kashim's house is at the end of the compound with their own gate differed from ours.

Ya Aysha, herself requested for Baba to choose her a husband and he married her off to Ya Kabir whom she wasn't even close to at that time but now it's a total different story. They are so much in love that I can't stand being in the same place as them, I would be completely ignored aand that's why i'm currently in 'my room' at her house right now.

With the time being 6:25pm presently. I practically jumped out of bed and half jogged to where Yaa Ayshah and Ya Kabir were to bid them goodnight.

After doing that I walked back home thinking of how to face Mama talkless of the boss. I tiptoed to my room and locked the door but unfortunately for me someone knocked at my door

After releasing a low groan I walked back and opened the door coming face to face with Ya Bashir. Seriously? Can this day get any worse now I have to deal with another version of Baba.

"Ya Bashir good evening" I greeted him but him being the miskili (quiet and composed guy) he is ignored me and sat on a lone chair in my room while looking around, after minutes of silence he began with the inevitable talk.

"Mama told me of what happened today, that's good for you, you know, gwara baba ya saukar da rawan kan da kike ji da (It's best if Baba cuts down the bad habits you're fond of these days). Serves you right, you can start abiding by his rules and don't tell
me that Zayd is that tiny 'friend' of yours" He asked, raising a bushy-in-a-fine-way looking brow.

"But Ya Bash..." But ofcourse he interrupted me, what's with this day and the interruptions.


He just laughed it off. Ya Bashir just laughed! Wonders shall never end.

"How can that boy marry you he's just a child fah, so have you talked to him about it"

"No" I stated, pouting my lips.

"Khadijah you have no choice but to let Baba chose a Husband for you, kinsan he'll select the best out there. So keep yourself calm and pray Nawafils" with that he left me alone.

Everyone keeps telling me that baba will choose the best for me but I have so many 'what ifs' like 'what if he hates me?' 'what if he's not who baba will see him as?' 'what if he's not a good person?', brushing my thoughts to a corner of my head I plopped my body on a bed before another series of knocks sounded on my door. Exhaling loudly I got up to open the door without asking of who it was.

And thankfully this time around it was Yaya Mukhtar- my fave.  We are very close like U and V.

"Dije howfar" he asked.

"Not far Ya Mukky" I answered.

"Well done" he whispered.

"Thank you" I replied pursing my lips.

"Heard of what happened to my lil sis so I decided to come over here"

"So pathetic right" my eyes began to water.

"Sorry en, you have no choi.."

"No Ya Mukky, you need to help me
Please" I interrupted, shaking my head vigorously despite how bad my head was aching.

He just chuckled and said "I can be of no help or do you want me to advertise my sister to the world?. No! leave everything to Baba"

"Why is everyone saying this to me ne" I exasperatedly asked, flailing my hands in the air on full motion to show just how exasperated I am.

"That's because we all love you and want what's best for you" His reply sounded like he was talking to a 4 year old.

"What of your friends?" I asked, tearing up once again.

"My friends *laughs* as if you don't know them, Kamal is too serious, Faruk is the total opposite, Jawad is married and madly in love with his wife, Abdulaziz is too wild and he smokes so no"

"What of Tahir"

" That one? He's out of town currently something about helping his relatives relocate but I think he'll be back soon"

"Talk to him please but in form of something like a contract if possible for a stated period of time before we split"

"Ah no Dije, i'm definitely not doing anything like that. What possessed you to have thoughts like this, you need to stop reading those nonsense fictions wallahi"

"Pretty please Ya Mukky toh let's cancel the divorce part but i'll talk to him after you do"

"Already coming to conclusions are you? I'll try then, but let me give you a piece of advice baby sis" he stated after a couple of minutes.

"I'm all ears"

"Give Baba the honour please and Goodnight". With that he left the room.


I woke up very late the next morning due to how I prayed Nawafils from the 3rd quarter of the night till dawn, I prayed for what's best in this situation, a predicament I never thought I would ever find myself in.

I had to sleep after Fajr and now here I am, still sleepy at 11:00am. I know mama will be like 'Won't this girl wake up today ne' and i'll be lectured for an hour on the time a person is supposed to wake up especially a girl and all this mommy-ish stuff you get what I'm saying?!.

Took a very long comfortable bath and wore a black Real Madrid jersey with Blue jeans, no make up today, i'm not in the mood for it. And now my do's and Dont's for the day will be:

1- Talk to Zayd about this whole issue.
2- Pester Ya Mukhy(so that he'll get annoyed and talk to Tahir or one of his friends).
3- Keep on pestering until he agrees.
4- Gist Amna on the story of my life.
5- Stay out of Baba's way.
6- Try not to disturb Mama.
7- Visit Yaa Ayshah and My little Babies.
    Tiresome right!, Wish me luck!.


Assalamu Alaikum.

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