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Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh Beautiful Souls.

It's so sad how our journey has come to an end. From having 0 reads, to a ten, a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand and now more than. Never in my life have I ever thought that we could accomplish this but I've been proved otherwise by these beautiful people.

I'm not good at writing essays so in conclusion I would love to thank each and every one of you (if there was a way I could've done it personally then I would've) who has ever read (even if it's just one chapter), voted, commented, gave me feedbacks- those of you that inspire me with your wonderful comments that makes me laugh, jump with joy, squeal etc even those who comment with a mere "UPDATE!" whether on PM or otherwise.

Thank you so much lovelies. I appreciate everything and I love you all so much May Allah grant you Jannah, Ameen.

Sorry but I'm about to write in hausa right now- For the Unmarried ones, Allah ya baku miji na gari.
For the married ones, Allah ya baku zuri'a dayyiba da zaman lafiya.

May Allah accept our meaningful Dua's and Ibadah ameen ya rabb.

Thank you once again.


I expect lotssa feedbacks even though it's not really long. But there will be an epilogue, some bonus chapters which will all come afterwards.

Ps. Incase you haven't checked it out yet, you can do it now. It's called UNRAVELING FATIMAH. This is a story about pain, envy, torture, grief, love, hatred. Theme- Melancholy.

Ps 2. For those who voted on The Nigerian Writers Awards for irrevocable and its protagonists a big Thank you goes to you. I appreciate that *in DJ Khaled's voice* lol

 I appreciate that *in DJ Khaled's voice* lol

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Your Well-wisher
Nanah Amiinah_Xo!.

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