CHAPTER 05- Shell shocked✔.

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"Ohh Allah sarki" I answered crouching, with my head facing the floor.

"Wallahi and you've grown to a very pretty girl Mashaa Allah even though it was obvious that you'll turn out to be like this, we're very blessed Masha Allah my son is lucky, I am very happy dear"

___Chapter Five___

Khadijah's P O V

After Aunty Rakiya's Happy outburst, i stayed still, motionless, shell-shocked, gaping like a fish.

Okay maybe I heard her wrong, but Mama too was smiling baki har kunne (sincere smile) so I definitely heard nothing wrong.

She must have noticed my absolute stillness so she continued.

"Are you shocked my dear, well you shouldn't be, Muhammad is very lucky wallahi, we all are, i've always hoped for zumunci na jini (blood relation) between your family and mine and now my dreams are coming true" she finished with tears pricking at her eyes. She kept repeating 'Mashaa Allah' over and over.

"Khadi go back to Amna alright? Is she staying for the night?" Mama spoke after minutes of silence from me.

"Yes she is. Se anjima (Goodbye) Aunty" with that I walked out of the parlor in slow motion like a zombie trying to process what Aunty Rakiyah just said.

At reaching my room I met with Amna who was cuddled up on the edge of my bed. I can bet my whole life that-
1- Her phone is plugged and she's using it hoping I won't notice.
2- Pretending to be asleep.
And that was exactly what she was doing, she feigned a yawn as though I just woke her up and rubbed her eyes asking of what was wrong.

"I'm getting married" was my stupid reply.

"Well that's obvious dumbass. But seriously where is the blood in your body, you look drained, and it seems like someone is operating you" she rambled non-stop.

"Amna i'm currently in the same compound same building same house basically 50 steps away away from my Mother-in-law to be" I panicked.

"Ya Allahu Ya Rahman are you kidding me" she stood up and jumped on the bed, excitement clear as daylight on her face.

"You're of no use Amna" I grumbled, throwing a fluffy pillow at her which she dodged effortlessly. "You're supposed to be making me feel better not jump on the bed".

"Stupid! Be happy.. wait is it the woman we encountered with them mama, she doesn't look old so atleast your dearie will be young too not like Baba's mate as you thought..."

"Well yeah, but still, i'm too young to be married" I tried to reason out.

"Urgh! Please Mama got married at 16 and Mommy at 15 so imagine 3-4 years younger than you so shut up and get ready for Isha" And me being the obedient one did as I was told- or instructed.

Minutes later we were both tucked in bed, conversing about school. Then Amna suggested we bid mama goodnight as Aunty Rakiya and her husband were already gone, trust Amna with her gulma skills, she 'sensed' when they left, and so we did. After bidding her goodnight we decided to watch a movie in the main parlor.

What we were not expecting was to find Ya Mukky and his friend Tahir in the parlor.

And guess bloody what? Both I and Amna wore nothing but our pajamas (long trousers and sleeveless shirts), no scarves on so we both freaked out, shrieked, bumped into one another while attempting to run out of the place, my forehead began to ache as it met with Amna's own which was as hard as a rock, racing to my room we both banged the door open at the same time. I locked it and we sat on the floor.

We took a glance at each other before bursting with laughter, picking an ice cube from my fridge I laid it on my forehead and she did the same muttering something along the lines of "Stupid girl with her hard forehead" "trying to kill my mommy's daughter" while panting.

We heard a knock and ceased laughing, then Mama's voice came asking of what happened to which we both replied with "Nothing" simultaneously and she left after making sure that nothing really happened.

That was close, we would've gotten a lecture on how girls ought to dress before leaving their rooms and so on. You know if there was a course in school called Etiquette my mom would be the perfect lecturer worldwide, I trust her.


The next morning, I and Amna prepared Breakfast for the whole house which was tiring, we made a lot of egg sauce, chips, plantain, fried yam and sweet potato. We had breakfast altogether, my whole family is used to Amna's presence because we've been close since our relocation to kano, we were neighbours before they moved to another side of the state, she spends her holidays and a lot of weekends here, so she's like the twin sister I never had.

Today Ya Bashir was picking Fawaz, a cousin of ours who stays under my parent's care, from school. I haven't seen that guy in a long time, he schools at NTIC the one based in Kaduna. The boy is just too troublesome for his own liking.

He has been living with us for 6 years now, so he's virtually part of the family.

That boy does whatever he likes just because he's the baby of the house, taken my position by force, but if I try doing what he does i'll be roasted and served to Baba Kashim's dog as lunch.

After breakfast I and Amna got ready for the day before she begged Baba to let me take her home but Baba being himself paid attention to none of our pleads. Nonetheless, he instructed Ya Mukhtar to take us there at the very last minute when I was about to give up.

Phew! That was close.

Amna bid them all goodbyes including Yaa Ayshah as she came over for breakfast.

We first went to a supermaket, bought
lot of biscuits, frozen yoghurt and junk for ourselves taking advantage of Ya Mukky's patience for us, after then we took off to Mommy's house.

At arriving there we met Mommy and Kamal (One of Ya Mukhtar's friends, Amna's cousin and neighbour) sitting on plastic chairs gisting, I and Amna both hugged Mommy and greeted them, then we grabbed three chairs for all of us, Ya Mukky sat with us and we gisted a lot before rushing to her room to enjoy. It's not like we want to beat the deadline that was set for me.

We shared everything into two including her new collection. After praying 'Asr I and Ya Mukhtar left.



I'm sorry if the chapters are short.

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NanaAmiinah Xo.

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