Her Crush

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Fan Cover by @x_Ishita_x

Julie's pov:




Imagine getting waken up to that in the morning.

"What?" I say to Jake lazily putting the covers over my head.

He then rips them off and shouts in my ear, "It's Friday!!"

He runs out of the room probably to wake up my parents.

I think my ear is ringing but I can't tell because I think it's also deaf at the same time.

My dad then comes in my room and pulls the curtains away so it is brighter.

"It's too early" I whine turning around.

No use, it's too bright for my liking.


So this must be what it's like to be a vampire.

But if being a vampire means total darkness, count me in.

You know how much sleep I would be able to get?!

A lot I tell you!

"Wake up Julie, it's Friday." He says.

Hold on, searching brain for motivation... nope.

He sighs. "There's food."

"Where!!!" I yell jumping out of bed and running down the stairs.

"Works every time" He mutters under his breath trailing behind me.

When I enter the kitchen, my brother is already munching away on his scrambled eggs, I get mine and eat beside him.

After that, I do my morning routine and head to the bus stop.

Once again, the kid looks at me, then looks away.

Seriously, what's his deal?

I am a very kind person.



After minutes of waiting for the bus to arrive, it finally pulls up.

I take my seat and about to put in my earplugs when I hear..

"Wait!!!" I look out the window to see a very stressed Ashton full out sprinting to the bus.

He jumps, literally jumps, onto the bus, winks at the bus driver, then heads to the back of the bus.

He is again admired by every student on the bus.

He sits down and everyone turns their heads to him, you know, after they admired his presence.

I feel like he is some test subject in those horror movies and the evil scientists are studying him while he is in this big glass thing with tubes coming out of him.

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