Let Them Play

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Fan Cover by @fairy-bones

Julie's pov:



"Julie, honey, wake up."

I roll over and open my eyes slightly to see my dad shaking me awake.

"Why" I hear my self mutter while turning away from him and pulling the covers over my head.

He sighs and rips the covers off my head. "Julie it's Monday."


"You have school today."

I look over at the clock to see its 6:10.

"Dad I have ten minutes before the bus comes."


"NOT AGAIN!!!" I yell as I jump up scaring the crap out of my dad.

I quickly push him out of my room and I search my closet for something to wear.

You know what.. leggings and a flannel sounds good today.

Once I'm dressed, I brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a high bun before grabbing my glasses and running down the stairs.

"Time check?" I ask my mom.

She pulls out her phone, "6:18"

I put on my backpack while grabbing my phone off the counter and make my way to the bus stop.

To my surprise, Ashton is already there.

He must have not gotten his car back.

I don't know if he didn't see me because he was so focused on his phone or he was just ignoring me.

But all thoughts of ignoring me vanished when he looked up at me and grinned, not the cocky grin, more like I acknowledge your existence grin.

I give a grin back before he looks back at his phone without saying anything.

Well that was weird.

I quietly stand off to the side and silently stand there waiting for the bus like everyone else.

When it comes, we just board it and sit down.

It was a way quieter bus ride, and barely anybody talked.

The bus driver even looked surprised and tried not to show it.

I took a glance behind me to see all the kids just on their phones, only exchanging a couple words with their neighbors.

What is going on?


"Hey Gianna" I say walking up to her locker.

"Hey." She says smiling at me.

Just like the bus, it was super quiet. The school even looked empty.

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