Sleeping Beauty

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Fan Cover by @jialithakkar

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun was barely out, and in the Riders house laid a sleeping Julie on the couch.

The house was quiet, and she was able to catch up on much needed sleep.


Along came the big bad wolf to RUIN her precious sleep.


Julie's pov:





It's probably nothing Julie, just go back to sleep.



Woah it's raining, pretty.. pretty rain..

Wait a second.


It can't be raining in a house!

I open my eyes to see something, or someone, looking down at me.

What the-..

"Wake up" A deep voice says.

It's to early for this.

Maybe if I turn around they will go away.


Next thing I know I am being grabbed by FOOT and PULLED off the couch.

"OW!!!" I look up to see Ashton looking down at me. He lifts up the now half empty water bottle in his hand and shakes it smirking right at me.

"Time to get up princess!"

I put my hand on my hair to see it is basically soaked.

"Ashton!!" I glare at him.

He lets out a laugh and shakes his head. His messy hair sticking up in all directions.

Did it look cute?



"Hey, it's not my fault you wouldn't wake up."

Excuse me? Please don't tell me he is serious right now.

"Well you could have been a nice human being and gave me a warning!!!"

I am so not a morning person.

I can feel the water soaking through the top of my shirt. Thank god I'm wearing a navy blue t-shirt.

That would have been super embarrassing.

"Oops." He grins and walks into the kitchen.

Oh no you don't!!

I stand up and follow right after him.

"Clingy now are we?"

I ignored him.

"You couldn't just let me sleep on the couch?" I glare at him again. He could have just minded his own business and moved on with his life.

Oh wait I forgot, this is Ashton Rider we are talking about.

But him, being totally unaffected by the glare I am giving him, doesn't even spare a glance, and he pulls out a box of lucky charms.

He just picks out the marshmallows and eats them.

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