Ch. 1 - New Friend

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Those words were unbearable. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing it, and you can't get mad at anyone that does it too because they don't know. They don't know your situation so you don't have a good reason to get mad but it still hurts just as badly, it still hurts, it...

It still hurts.


Here you are. Stepping off the boat, you glanced around to see if there was a map anywhere. Luckily, Alola kept the information centers at the docks, so you stepped inside to look for a map that you could take with you. Aside from brochures advertising the sights and special events in Alola, you could only find more brochures advertising another corporation you weren't interested in.

Oh, there was the map...hidden behind Aether brochures. What a professional business, you tried not to sigh.

After exiting the information center, you opened up the map to check what island the boat stopped at, since you didn't manage to catch the name. Alola was split into four islands, with a fifth one belonging to that Aether foundation you've seen before.

"So I'm on Ula'Ula Island..." you mouthed to yourself. "Looks like I'm in Malie City right now."

You sighed. "Let's hope I don't have to plagiarize a ticket every time I need to go to an island."

You stuffed the map into your pocket and took a deep breath. Since it was nighttime, your first priority was to find a place to sleep. Due to your problem with confrontation, you usually just wanted to find a place that was away from civilization.

After a bit of wandering around, you approached what seemed like the garbage collection business in Alola. There was a nice piece of land next to the cliff that was hidden away enough that you felt confident that no one would find you. While sleeping next to a cliff was a bit of a turnoff, it didn't detour you enough to find somewhere else to sleep. You were too tired to care, anyway.


As your eyes drowsily opened, the first thing you saw was...a Grimer? The only reason you questioned if it was really a Grimer was that it was green. Was it a shiny?

"You must be pretty special then." you smiled a bit as you sat up. "Are you a wild or...?"

Grimer made a small noise before glancing to the building you passed by last night. "Ooh, so you work there?" you questioned, getting a noise of confirmation in response. "Sounds fun. So what are you doing out here?"

The Grimer put it's hand on your shoe, leaving a bit of...slime on it. Your shoes were close to falling apart so you didn't mind it. "Me?" you questioned. "What about me?"

After a moment of trying to communicate, you began to understand. "Why am I out here? Oh, uhm..." you tried to come up with a reason in case the people it worked with could understand it better than you. " pokémon all passed out. Sorry if I got in the way."

You got up and knelt down. "I appreciate the concern buddy," you smiled, "but don't worry about me."

As you left, you waved to the Grimer, and it waved back. Moments like that are why you didn't fully understand or want to get involved with pokémon battles. How could anyone enjoy engaging in that when the pokémon could be in pain?

That was the driving force behind your search for your pokémon. Who knows what horrors she could be facing alone, or even worse, a bad trainer?

You realized you were crying. Quickly smothering your face in your hoodie sleeve, you wiped the tears away and got yourself back on track. Since you didn't have any equipment, you were extremely disadvantaged in these kinds of environments. But you didn't care.

Losers (Guzma x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz