Ch. 4 - Alone

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"Look, I know you said all that stuff about how this team gets me more than anyone else, but... There are just some things you can't fully understand unless you experience them yourself."


Slight Warning: I do not encourage suicidal behavior or self harm, I'm only writing these scenarios to emphasize how troubled the character is.


It isn't until my eyes are open that I snap awake and sit up. I bed? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is hanging out with _____ on the roof and then-

I hear a noise, and glance over to my chair. _____ had passed out in my chair while their Mimikyu was sat in their lap, looking at me.

"H-Hey, lil dude." I was still trying to think about last night. I don't remember anything after being on the roof, so how am I not broken from falling off?

Did _____ catch me?

"Gotta say, you got poor timing." I mentioned to Myst. "Coulda killed me back there."

Myst looked sad for a moment, but hopped off of _____ and hopped onto my lap. It seemed as though they were trying to apologize.

"Be grateful you're with _____." I stated. "Woulda sent ya back from where ya came otherwise."

As Myst relaxed in my lap, I began to think. What am I gonna do with this dude? _____ doesn't want to be in the team, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go. Sure, he helps with food, but...

I sighed. "Does he even have a place to sleep, considering he's in my chair?" I asked Myst. They shook their head, causing their disguise to shake around. I tried to think. With the limited funding from Aether, we don't exactly have the money to get a new bed that isn't already broken...

"Gathering from what he's told me, it seems like he won't exactly be comfortable sleeping with the other grunts." I softly spoke aloud to myself, collapsing back on the bed.

"Wait." I sat back up. I set Myst down on the ground, but as I stepped up to _____, I must've tripped over Myst. I caught myself on the armrests, but it was enough to wake _____ up.


As expected, the two of us felt extremely awkward. I could see _____'s face begin to flush and I quickly got up. "Sorry 'bout that." I sighed, trying to keep my composure. "Must've tripped on your friend."

_____ couldn't say anything in response, and I don't blame him. I coughed. "So, I've come up with a...proposition." I began. "Considering what just happened, I don't blame ya if you decline."

"...What is it?" _____ asked quietly. He must still be trying to calm down.

"I noticed that because you're feeling better, all the crew went back to where they were originally sleeping. And considering we don't have what we need to get you your own bed..."

How am I supposed to word this offer after that incident?! "Uh... My bed is pretty spacious."

At this point, _____ has hidden his face. "Uhm... A-Are you sure?" he mumbled. "I don't want you to feel like you have to. I've slept in all kinds of conditions."

"But you're not sleeping outdoors anymore, dude." I tried to approach him. "Sleeping indoors mean you either get a bed or a couch, and what you're in right now is neither of those! Plus, all the couches we got are broken!"

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