Must Reads - Defiance by Hallie123

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Author; Hallie123

Title; Defiance

Link to Story;

Mobile Code; 1104778

Genre; Adventure, Teen Fiction

Rating; PG-13

Status; Ongoing


Kidnapped, Abused, Sold, Drugged. No Escape. No Hope. Indie is a quite shy and timid girl, she is one night kidnapped and forced to live with five boys with personality problems. No this isn't a love story,It's a story of bravery, the changing of someone and how pressure can make you into a new person. After she is beaten, broken and tormented. Indie finally cracks and turns into someones she doesn't even reconise. Why? she doesn't know. Will she ever escape? She doesn't know that either. Time can change a person. Kill or Be Killed: "It's your choice?

My Opinion;

Unlike other kidnapping stories - in a good way. The victim doesn't fall inlove with her captors which is a refreshing change. Indie is strong willed but we also see a caring and soft side to her, which is nice, it makes the character more realistic. Great storyline with lots of action. Things we dont see coming happen making the story exciting, lots of suspence making the reader want to read on. Chapters are long, gives lots of detail.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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