The Tune of Love - A Poem About Music

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When I hear this tune

I can think of only you

Every time this song plays

I relive our youth

Like I am falling in love again

Nostalgia taking over my senses 

Heart beating the same way it did

When we first gazed into each other's eyes

It beats the sound of joy

The music of hope

The tune of love

Every note representing a kiss

Every beat representing a smile

Every rest showing a conflict to overcame

And the melodious tune showing my love for you

Every time this song plays

I relive our youth

Every time I hear this tune

I can only think of you

How you must be up there somewhere 

Listening with me

Heart beating in rhythm with mine

Love Hate & Everything in BetweenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin