A Very Gripping, Sappy Story

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It was a rainy day. It rained outside and I rained inside heavily. I walked outside the house to let the gloomy weather to worsen my mood. I sat on the porch and looked at the rain soaked hills at a distance. The mountains shed waterfalls of tears. A hotel named after a popular American state on its west coast was closed as they had run out of that spirit, the night-man who was programmed to receive was on annual vacation. Water dripped from every string in the neon-sign guitar atop the hotel.

Closer by, my car stood at the end of the driveway, soaking in the rain. Its headlights and fog lamps appeared to be crying. The wipers failed to wipe the tears off the windshield.I saw a tree at a distance. It was crying miserably. The apples in it were crying. The wind howled. It was a very sappy scene. Only a man with a stone-heart would be unmoved.

I suddenly remembered that I came out to feel miserable and not to draw inferences.

I stepped outside the porch and sat on the first of the many steps that led to the driveway. I carefully placed my elbows on my knees, opened my palms up and buried my face in them. And then I started crying. I cried till I ran out of water, my eyes became dry and my palms, sappy. After I finished crying, my palm lines shed second hand tears. Several seemingly disconnected lines now appeared otherwise. It broke my heart that my palm lines seemed better, which meant my horoscope would read better and it made me cry all the more. It made the scene even more sappy. I cried till I was sapped of energy. I cried till I felt like a rubber tree that had lost its last ounce of sap, a cloud without anymore water to rain, an empty moisturiser bottle and many other things that can potentially go bone dry.

Satisfied, I went inside, dried myself, made myself some coffee, sat on the rocking chair and as I gently rocked back and forth, shed tears of joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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