Chapter 2: Arrival

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After 2 hours of flying, Ash, Pikachu and Charizard landed on the top of the mountain. After the landing, he saw a bright light and when the light faded away, He saw Arceus and he said,

Arceus - "I know that they betrayed you my chosen one, now I will grant you two wishes that will help you to defeat them with the exchange of your humanity."

Ash - "I wish that I will gain eternal youth and immortality where I believe it will be useful to me and the second wish is a power that can manipulate everything including Aura."

Arceus - "Very well."

Arceus then suddenly gently touched Ash's chest with his feet and Pikachu jumped out of Ash's shoulder. Ash began to glow white and blue and after the process, Of course, Pikachu went back to his favorite position which is Ash's shoulders. He is now a muscular person, his height greatly increases, and he receives a cloak that can hide his identity. The cloak is black and with blue flames on the lower portion of the cloak. He also maintained his Kalos outfit. His height now is 5'6" from 4'11". He also felt that he is very powerful. So powerful that he can defeat every pokèmon and trainers in this world including Arceus himself. He is now the God of Equality and Destruction.

Ash - "Thanks Master. I promise that I will not abuse these wishes that you granted with me."

Arceus - "Oh please, no more formalities, just call me Arceus, besides we have the same rank."

Ash - "Ehh? What do you mean?"

Arceus - "When I granted your wish, I also made you a god as well. I am the God of Creation and You are my loyal subject, the only trainer that can defeat me and the God of Equality. Your objective is to maintain the equality between pokémons and humans alike."

Ash - "Wow, I didn't realize that you made me also a god and I am very grateful to that."

Arceus - "Now do you want to try it out?"

Ash - "Sure."

Arceus - "Then hit me."

Ash - "Are you sure about that?" he said with shock.

Arceus - "Trust me." he said while smiling.

Ash - "Okay."

Then Ash did an uppercut on Arceus and went flying kilometers high and when Arceus land on the ground it leaves a crater with a diameter of 750 m and 500 m deep. He is struggling to get up due to the very strong impact and said,

Arceus - "Now that's what I call power." he said to himself.

Meanwhile with Ash on top of the mountain,

Ash is now worried on what happened to Arceus.

Ash - "I think I overdone it." he said with a worried tone.

Pikachu - "I hope Arceus is gonna be okay."

Ash - "Yeah."

Back to Arceus,

Arceus finally get up with some bruises on his body on and a large bruise on his neck but not bleeding and he teleported back to Mount Silver.

At the Mountain,

Arceus teleported back and when Ash turned around and saw Arceus with bruises on his body especially on his neck.

Ash - "Oh crap! What I have done, I'm so sorry Arceus. I think I overdone it." he said almost panicking.

Arceus - "Oh its okay."

Ash - "No it's not. Here let me help you."

Ash went near to Arceus and his right hand glowed green while closing his eyes and he touched Arceus' body to heal them. Arceus felt that his power was increased at about 6%.

Ash - "There, all set. Wait, I just realized something."

Arceus - "What is it?"

Ash - "How did I heal you?"

Arceus - "Oh its part of your second wish. When you heal a pokèmon that is injured, of course they will recover but the different is, your healing powers can also increase the pokémon's stats (excluding the speed) ranging from 1% to 10%. It depends on how the pokèmon is severely injured." he explained to him.

Ash - "Oh so that's why. Heh, I didn't even notice it because I was panicking earlier." he said while laughing.

Ash - "Thanks again."

Arceus - "Don't metion it. Thanks to you that you also powered me up because of your healing powers."

Ash - "No problem."

Arceus suddenly remembered something and that is the crater that Ash made. He quickly float into the air and glowed white to restore the forest down below and it is now back to normal.

Note: (Ash didn't notice the crater that he made by the way.)

Ash - "Come on out guys!"

Note: (For the old readers, you know how Ash releases pokémon right? For the new readers, Ash releases his pokèmon on his nanodex while pressing some several buttons and a bright blue beam will appear in front of him, signifying that the pokémon is released. Also I forgot to mention that Ash's nanodex can release multiple pokémons at a time. So yeah, let's get back to the story. Search from the internet on what are all of Ash's pokémon not including the gen 7 pokèmon.)

All of Ash's pokémon appeared and Ash said to them,

Ash - "Guys, we will stay here and train. In that way, Whenever we return, people will know the true might of the world's newest god!"

All of Ash's pokémon including Pikachu - "Yes Master!"

(Don't forget that Arceus included himself so that he can mega evolve himself and increase his power as well.)

Ash - "That's the spirit, then you all may start."

All of them chooses their sparring partners and they began training while Ash is medidating on the other side of the mountain but still visible to them, maintaining his physical power.

To be continued...

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