Chapter 11: Reconciliation

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After resting for about 3 hours, Ash checks his supplies and it looks like he will ran out of food sooner or later.

Red - "Well Pikachu, we need to buy some supplies."

Pikachu - "Okay, Let's go."

He then leaves his dorm, closes his door behind him and began walking.

With Misty

Misty's pov

I was in my room and I suddenly wake up because I remember something which is I will ask Ash his forgiveness to me. I leap out of my bed and, fix myself a little bit, and began to leave my dorm. When I was walking, I bumped someone and I said,

"I'm sorry."

But when I saw that person, wearing a black cloak, it always come to my mind that he is Ash.

"Hey, Ash!" I called.

He turned around and said,

"Oh, Misty hello. Didn't expect you to see here. I am going to the food shop to buy some supplies. I'll talk to you later." He then leaves the area.

And then I said,

"Oh okay. I will just wait here instead."

I found a bench and I sat there, waiting for Ash.

It took 25 minutes for Ash to go back to the stadium with some eco bags with him and he said to me while carrying the eco bags.

"I will just place my supplies back to my dorm and then I will go there to talk to you." he told me.

"Okay." I replied.

Then again, another 3 minutes of waiting and after that, I saw him walking to the bench and sat down besides on my left.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

I was surprised that he knows that I need to talk to him and I said confused,

"Wait, how did you know?"

"Simple, I read your mind and it seems that you want to talk to me."

"Oh, okay. Anyways, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did to you 10 years ago. I seriously regret on what I have done to you. I hope you forgive for what I did to you." I said sadly.

Back to normal pov,

When Ash hears that, he told to Misty,

Ash - "Okay, Again, just wait here. I just need to be alone for a while."

Misty - "Okay, I understand."

Ash then stood up from the bench and walk to his dorm.

Upon reaching the dorm, he opened the door and sat on the bed while Pikachu hop off on his shoulder and Ash said to him.

Ash - "What do you think, Pikachu? Do I need to forgive them or not?" he asked to his loyal partner.

Pikachu - "If I were you, I think you need to forgive them."

Ash - "What do you mean?"

Pikachu - "Look, I know that you are still angry at them but sometimes we need to let go our past. Even if it really hurts to us, we need to let it go. We can't always rely on our past. Sometimes, we need to move on to become happy again in life and if that happens again then let it be but next time, don't let your anger and hatred devour your emotions because no good things will happen you if that happens." he explained and asked the author, accidentally breaking the fourth wall.

Pikachu - "That's how life runs right, Author-chan?"

Author - "Yeah, definitely."

Pikachu - "Sorry for breaking the fourth wall though."

Author - "No, it's okay. Just continue what you are doing."

Pikachu - "Okay. *he then look again at Ash* So I was saying, yeah forgive them, move on with your life and thank them also." he finished.

Ash - "Okay thanks but why do I need them to thank them?"

Pikachu - "If it wasn't for them, you won't discover your true potential which you are actually right now."

Ash - "Got it. Thanks, Pikachu you are really a great pokémon and a great friend as well." he then hugged his Pikachu.

Pikachu - "Thanks, Ash. Now, let's go. I bet Misty is waiting for us right now."

Ash - "Okay, Let's go." he said happily and excitedly.

He then leaves the dorm and returns to Misty which it takes 4 minutes to her to wait again.

Ash then sat besides Misty on the left and he start the conversation.

Ash - "Okay, so back what we are talking about earlier, Yes I forgive you and thank you for finding my true potential."

Misty - "Huh, you mean it?! And why did you thank me?"

Ash - "Yeah, weren't you listening earlier. Yes, I did give you my gratitude because if it wasn't for the betrayal that all of you made, then I will not find my true potential."

Misty then hugged Ash and said,

Misty - "Thank you Ash. Thank you."

'I feel so safe and warm when I hug Ash.' She thought.

She didn't realize that she was hugging him for about 2 minutes and Ash said,

Ash - "Ummm. Misty, thanks for the hug but can you let go off me now?"

Misty hears what Ash said and instantly removed her hands to him and her face became red like a tomato. She then said with embarrassment,

Misty - "Sorry about that. It's just that I just wanted to do that for my entire life." she admitted, still with blush on her face.

Being dense in love, he said,

Ash - "Okay."

Ash - "So... that's it? Is that all?"

Misty - "Yeah that's all. Thank you very much." she said while smiling.

Ash - "No problem. Look I need to go because I need to train my pokémon."

Misty - "Okay. I'll see you soon." she then stood on the bench and walks away.

Ash then teleported himself in the field where he usually go and train his pokèmon there, giving them a warm up for their next match.

To be continued...

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