Chapter 9: The Reveal

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(Important notice at the end. Please read it.)

Referee - "The match between Red from Mount Silver and Misty Waterflower will now begin! Each trainer will use two pokémon. Moves such as Baton Pass, etc. are applicable. Trainers, release your pokémon!"

Misty - "Go Golduck!" she yelled.

Then a blue duck with a red gem or whatever you want to call it on his head appeared in the battle field.

Red - "Come forth, my friend!"

Suddenly, Charizard appeared and roared. His roar is so terrifying that when you hear it, you will run from your life. He then landed on the arena causing a weak earthquake.

Referee - "Battle begin!"

Red - "You may do the first move."

Misty - "Fine, Golduck use Water Gun!"

Golduck then unleashes a beam of water from his mouth to Charizard.

Red - "You know what to do, my friend."

Charizard nodded and take the water gun attack dealing no damage.

Misty was stunned and shocked and said to him,

Misty - "H-H-How did y-y-you do t-that?" she said in between words.

Red - "Hmph. Just training." he scoffed.

Charizard the unleashes his Flamethrower attack the flames has a wide coverage. So wide, that a 10 foot pokémon will be enveloped by the fire. The crowd was jaw dropped when they saw the flames.

Misty - "Dodge it!" she yelled desperately.

Even Golduck did dodge the attack, it wasn't enough because of the flames that has a very wide coverage area. When the flames was out, Golduck has wounds and bruises on his body and he was burnt pretty badly. He is there laying down on the ground, unconscious.

Referee - "Golduck is unable to battle. Charizard wins!" he said, not knowing that Golduck is on the verge of death.

Red feels that the aura of Golduck was slowly fading away. He then recalled his Charizard and went to the side where Misty is and he said to the crowd,

Red - "I request that this match of ours will be cancelled due to the pokèmon that I have injured pretty badly. I feel that this pokémon *gesturing to Golduck* is on the verge of death and I hope I didn't break the rules on this tournament. It's just that my pokémon was so goddamn powerful." he said sincerely.

The crowd was shocked on what Red said. And when Misty hears what Red said a while ago, she felt sadness and despair because one of her best friend was about to die if the treatment will be too late. Red then carries Golduck and said to the crowd,

Red - "I'm bringing this pokémon to the pokèmon center and if the pokémon nurses can't heal or revive Golduck, then I will do it." he said calmly.

Then again, the crowd was shocked on what they have heard because not only he can inflict so much damage on a pokémon that is nearly to die but also he can revive lifeless pokémon as well.

Referee - "This match will be cancelled due to what happened earlier. Now time to proceed to the next match."

After hearing this, Red leaves while carrying Golduck and Misty follows them to the pokémon center. All Misty can feel now is sadness and despair.

After a few minutes they are almost at the pokémon center and Red said telepathically to Golduck who is lifeless now,

Red - "Looks like I'm little late, Golduck. I hope you can forgive me." he said with sincerity.

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