5. Nancy

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 I was true to my word and once I got into my hotel, I crashed. Literally. The next morning I found I forgot to put on pajamas. That's when I discovered I had forgotten to pack PJs. How do I forget simple things like PJs? Oh well, I need to buy some essential food and toiletries for my vacation too. I also realize George never did send me a color photograph of the Hardy brothers so I text her my request before jumping in the shower. After I have changed and applied makeup I head downstairs and grab some breakfast in the lobby. I spear cream cheese on a bagel and fill my water bottle with orange juice before heading out. I drive my car to downtown and parallel parking outside a lawyer's office space. I walk down the sidewalk and take the first left. Bayport really is beautiful. Green trees and grass are dotted between the road and the sidewalk and there are blue skies with little white clouds polka-dotting it. I hold a sharp right and come to an intersection. I push the button to cross and wait. I don't have to wait long. Just as two motorcycles come up, the light turns. It is funny, the guys on the cycles look like they were talking to each other but they couldn't possibly hear each other with the traffic and their thick helmets. Weird. My light turns to walk and I stroll across the street but something familiar almost stops me in my tracks. I hurriedly cross and prop my sunglasses on top of my head. One of the motorcycles was blue and the other red. Both cycles had flames paint up the side. Why did that ring a bell? Oh well! I continue to walk. I think I saw a grocery store nearby and after some looking around I spot a little local store. After looking around inside I don't find much at a decent price and I leave with only a wrap for lunch. There's gotta be a place with milk and fruit for a good price, right? I hop in another grocery store and got all my essential food shopping done.

I drop my bags off at my car and head back to a clothing store I passed earlier. I still need to buy some pajamas plus I could use a new swimsuit for the summer and because the hotel I'm staying at has a pool. While I travel down the street I have the odd feeling that I am being followed. But when I turn around no one unusual was to be seen. A mother frustrated with her disobedient child, a man on his bicycle, a couple on a shopping date and a boy a bit younger than me spying in a storefront window. I guess I'm acting up because I am on a case. After about half an hour I find more than I need to splurge on at the store.

I return to my car and decide to head back to the hotel to change shoes so I can jog in the park. I'd could use the walk back to the hotel but no way was I going to jog in these sandals. They are beautiful and Bess did a great job finding my perfect size but they just are not comfortable. I touch the next crosswalk button and pull out my phone to consult directions. While I'm at it I check if George has sent me the picture yet. No such luck. The light changes and I am about to pocket my phone when in the reflection I see a blond guy behind me. He seems oddly familiar like I have passed him on the street before this. I cross the street and start toward the hotel. It takes a couple seconds but then I am sure I hear footfalls behind me. I try to ignore it but it is obvious that someone is trailing me. I don't let anxiety get the best of me and resist turning around because I don't want to give away the fact that I know they are following me. As the sidewalk turns I take a hasty left, followed by a quick right hoping to lose them. A few seconds later, I enter an alleyway with two ends so if someone is there I can get away but if I am just hallucinating it is a shortcut back to the hotel. I walk a little farther pretending nothing is amiss.

Rapidly, I turn around to find the same blond teen about to pounce on me. His blue eyes flash as he jumps me. Good news, I am not seeing things. Bad news, a strong, muscular guy is tackling me to the ground. I hit the concrete with a thud. I grab the first thing I can reach -which happens to be a strong stick- and shove it at him. It collides with his neck and he backs up enough that I can bring my knee up and connect it with his stomach. He groans and rolls off me.

"Joe!" another guy with dark hair comes running down the alley. Well, I may have found my agents. But first things first, they must be stopped. I finish off the guy on the ground with a final knee in the thigh and glance at him as I stand to make sure he stays there and doesn't try anything funny. He'll be there for a while so I turn to face the dark haired one (Frank?). He rushes at me and takes up some karate stance. I don't care for karate right now. Now, I need him to not fight me so I can talk to him.

This may not be the best way to start a relationship but...

I run at him, topple him over- since I took him by surprise- and hold him to the ground with my stick.

"Start talking," I bark at him, hoping I scare the living daylights out of him. Poor guy looked terrified and oddly confident at the same time.

"I am Frank Hardy. He is my brother, Joe." The guy stammered and nods to behind me.

I glance over to make sure Joe was where I left him. Oh no, he's gone. My glance was my undoing. It gave Frank enough time to push me over which doesn't take much because I am only 135 pounds and he has a lot more muscle and weighs more than me. Frank pins me to the ground. It seems like his confidence came through.

"Who are you and what business do you have attacking Bayporters who have done nothing to you?" Frank growls. Never mind confidence, this guy's angry that I can overpower him.

"Hey, I started it. Don't take it out on her," Joe comes up behind us.

"Fine," Frank pulls himself off me and I jump up and brush myself off.

"Are you alright?" Frank asks me.

"Yeah, I got a few scrapes but that's all." I smile. At least he cares and is suddenly chivalrous. That's a good sign, right?

"I am Joe Hardy and that's Frank. Sorry about pouncing on you. I, um, well," Joe looks at Frank like he is asking for approval.

"It's fine. I'm Nancy Drew," I struck out my hand and shook both of theirs. Joe shook mine readily but Frank hesitated. He looked like he was suspicious of me. But I don't know, I only know I'm supposed to make friends and allies with the brothers.

"I'm new in town and was shopping and walking around. But you know that, right? Because you were following me?"

Joe looks surprised.

"Well, yeah, sorry. We didn't mean to scare you," Joe apologizes.

I notice Frank wasn't talking much he was only staring at me like I had sprouted two more heads. I see Joe touch his neck and wince.

"Are you alright?" I ask stepping closer to see.

"Oh, it's just a scrape. It is really fine. Oh," he winced.

"No, you're bleeding. I am sorry I have too much hit behind my swing." I trail off starting to pace and wring my hands.

"It's fine, perfectly okay," Joe said placing a hand on my arm to stop me.

"Oh." His cut must be real deep because there is a lot of blood.

"Hey, Joe," Frank said breaking the silence. "We'd better get home and bandage you. I'll call Dad while we walk. Nice to meet you, Nancy." Frank says steering Joe away. I follow. I feel so responsible.

"Do you guys have a ride nearby? 'Cause I don't know how much longer your bleeding will hold off." I ask looking from Frank to Joe.

"We have our cycles but I don't know if Joe can drive safely," Frank answers looking at Joe concerned.

"Do you want to ride with me? I can pick up your cycles and drive you home. I don't have anywhere to go today." I tell them.

I really don't have a thing to do and my contacts are walking out on me. I also made one bleed so I feel it's my duty to help him. Both brothers look at each other for a little. They have a great relationship. Not only do they look out for each other but they can read one another's eyes.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Frank asks, smiling apologetically. "Brother stuff before we accept."

"Oh, yeah. Sure." I answer.

They huddle together and start whispering. Trying hard not to eavesdrop, I lean against the wall and pull out my phone. Sure enough, now George has sent me a color photograph. At least I am positive I have found them. I start texting George about how I met my contacts certain she is never going to believe this.

Pawns & Enemies: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now