13. Nancy

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What Frank and Joe didn't know is that their father and I had "found" Mr. H. He, well A.T.A.C., has an office building in Springfield. Springfield is one of those towns like... Boston. Rich in culture and history but busy, revamped and big. Huge and crowded.

It's funny watching the Hardy's reaction to George and her tactics. She yells and honks a lot in traffic, just one quality that illuminates her lack of patience. Springfield is less than an hour away so we arrive in no time at all. We just had to find the building and a parking space which turned out to be the incredibly hard part in traffic. You ______ is what George has been yelling for a while now. Fill the blank with whatever swear word you like. You probably guessed one she said. Because she hasn't said the same word twice.

My phone chimes with a text from Joe who, while he is in the backseat, don't dare speak over or in front of George.

Joe: Does G have any patience?

Nancy held in her laugh and when she snorted George gave her a raised eyebrow.

Nancy: No, not at all


I look up at where George is going and before I can look down my phone buzzed.

Joe: can I ask more q/a

Nancy: ask away

Joe: did u notice F lick u?

Wait, what?!

Joe: oops LOL stupid auto correct. *likes

Frank like me. What?

Nancy: No, I didn't

Joe: it's obvious

Nancy: I guess idk him well

Joe: guess. look more often. g2g ttyl

Hum. Interesting. Frank Hardy likes me. I think Joe fancies himself in love with me too. Great! Now what? I really need to talk to Ned about my decision. We can't be together any longer. This girl is ready to be single and available even if it means two brothers fall in love with her. I am starting a whole new mystery without fixing an old problem. Ugh!

George finally, after fifteen minutes of constant screaming and tooting of her horn, parks and we all race out like we sick of breathing the same air.

"Welcome to Springfield, Illinois!" George announces. "Where to, Detective Drew?"

"That-a-way," I say turning to the office complex.

"Alright, mates. Let us lead the way." George hooks arms with Joe and marches off. Joe salutes to us and stumbles over his own feet as George pulls him down the busy street. Frank offers me his arm and we hurry to follow our friends. Joe's text keeps popping up in my head. What if Frank does like me? He hasn't talked much but I can tell he's nervous.

"Where exactly are we going, detective Drew?" Frank asks.

"Your father told me where A.T.A.C. offices in Illinois were located. Of the list, this is the closest to River Heights and Mr. H happens to work at it. The only thing I had to do is mention one of our dads' names and wala!

"Do you enjoy having a famous dad?"

"That is a hard question to answer," I say. "Let me have some time to think on that one?"

"That's fine."

By now we are at the building Mr. hardy gave me the number for and climbing the front steps. We have to unhook arm to get up the crowded steps and I found that I missed the hard feeling of Frank's warm muscles. After entering two doors a security officer stops our group in front of a metal detector.

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