14. Joe

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I roll on the ground under the window. Nancy jumps next and lands on top of me. She wasn't so heavy as she was surprised. Next came Kyan then Frank and thankfully they landed beside me. Nancy moved over and we all sat slowly assessing the damage. We had to get away before the fire spread or worse the building collapsed. The problem was, we had no car. Fortunately, someone did.

"Quick! To my car!" Kyan shouted. He began to run to a car as the red fire engine pulled up sirens blaring. We follow him and pile into his red car. We barely have time to buckle before Kyan drives away. But I don't remember us saying that we were going somewhere. After watching for a while I realize we are not heading toward Nancy's place. Then I slowly put the facts together. Handwriting, red car, clues, spelling errors. That was what Kyan paper was filled with, grammar and penmanship both terribly in error. Or should I say they were both 'terryble' as Kyan would write it.

"Kyan Millians, where are we going?" Nancy asked with some attitude to spare.

That's when everything clicked. "Get out of the car!" I scream. Frank and I unbuckle, open the doors and jump out of the moving vehicle. I roll, slamming my shoulder into the concrete and continue spinning until I hit the grassy roadside. I kneel to see Frank on the opposite side of the road. Frank jogs over to me and offers me a hand up.

"Joe, where's Nancy?" We both turn to see the red car speed away and I gulp. Nancy had been seated in the middle of the backseat furthest from the doors. She hadn't been able to escape. She was stuck with Kyan Millians, a.k.a Mr. H. I have a lot of questions for that man. Such as where the heck he got the name Mr. H from. Or why he turned his back on A.T.A.C like that. I want to sink my fist into his jaw and punch till it hurts. This man betrayed his company, taking others with him, started fires, stole and vandalized, turned the Hardy and Drew families against each other. Frank read the rage on my face.

"Bro, we got a problem on our hands."

"You bet we do," And with that, I begin to run. I run fast, hard and steady. I must catch that car, I had to, for Nancy, for Dad, for A.T.A.C. I had to stop that traitor. I ran for about two miles before I realized I had no idea where I was. Frank caught up and dropped his hands to his knees panting. And just when I thought all was lost there was a hint of sunshine.

Or more like a friendly driver honking and pulling over.

"Can I help you out, fellas?" A familiar voice called out. "Hop in."

Frank and I exchange looks and follow orders. And you would not believe it. Ned was our friendly driver. We were happier than five-year-olds on Christmas.

"Where to?' Ned asks.

"Do you know where Kyan Millians is going? He is driving a small, red car-"

"All too well," Ned replies before I finish. He guns his engine and takes off.

"Where do you think he is?" Frank queers.

"His house," was the short reply.

Pawns & Enemies: A Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now