Chapter 34

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Taylor's POV

We just laid in the sun for a while, swimming a little and just goofing off. It felt so unbelievable nice to be so worry free and unrestricted with Tom today. We didn’t need to worry or think about anyone or anything. It was just simply Tom and me.

After a few hours though, when the sun was beginning to set, I felt like I needed a shower. Walking upstairs, I went inside the bedroom to pull out some of my clothes. Roaming around a little in my bag, I found what I was looking for.

Mellie and I had went out for a small panic shopping trip when I found out Tom and I where going away for a few days. I needed to get some stuff like a new toothbrush, a towel and some other minor stuff, but somehow Mellie had convinced me to buy some underwear or rather lingerie for the trip. 

I pulled out the lace bustier with matching underpants and felt almost a little nervous about it. Tom and me hadn’t gotten the chance to do something more intimate since we got back together. I was planning on taking some charge tonight and change that.

With determined steps I walked into the bathroom, took a quick shower and pulled on the lingerie. Over that I pulled over a simple dress that easily could be pulled off. I decided to leave my hair a little tussled in a kind of suggestive way, hoping it might give Tom the hint.

Putting on some mascara and chap stick, I made my way downstairs as Tom took it as a signal that it was his turn to get ready. He stood up from the couch where he had been watching TV and quickly scanned me with his eyes as he passed me.

-Cute, he grinned and nudged me lightly before he jogged upstairs. Maybe my plan was going to go right into place for once? Hopefully Tom won’t expect too much of me.

I decided to get going with the food since Tom really couldn’t cook at all, which I’ve already established all too well. I took a look in the fridge and raised my eyebrows. Inside were a lot of trays and plastic cups with food in it. Curious I opened some of them and found the most delicious looking food.  There were different kinds of seafood, pasta dishes, vegetarian soups and casseroles and a lot of cooked fish.

Delighted I pulled out some of the fish and started to pull together a decent dinner for Tom and me.

I chose some fish file’s with potatoes and some greens and a nice garlic sauce to that that was also lying in the fridge. Satisfied over my creation I placed both of the plates on the table and brought out some knives and forks.

-TOM! FOOD! I called out, hoping he would hear me.

I looked out and saw it had gone the slightest bit darker and it made me even more in the mood for something later tonight. A nervous smile spread on my lips as I rummaged a small drink fridge and took out something to drink.

-Ah I see you found the stash, Tom chuckled as I looked up and saw him entering the kitchen with dripping hair and dressed in light jeans and a tank top without any sleeves. It was a slightly different style than he used to wear, but I liked it, it was very casual and cool.

-Stash? I questioned and took a seat at the table.

-Yeah I hoped it would be good, and by the looks of it, it does, he smiled and took the seat across from me, pulling the plate closer to him as he looked it over.

-Wait, don’t tell me you have secretly learned how to cook and kept it from me? I asked and narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him. Tom gave me a flat look before grabbing the silverware and started eating. I followed his lead and dug in as well, glancing amused at him.

-No, I still can’t cook, he muttered, making me laugh.

-Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Mr. Mafia boss, I cheekily said as it brought a small smile to his lips.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now