Chapter 36

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Tom’s POV

Slowly wakening up, I blinked my eyes open. The bright sun was beaming inside the bedroom, making it even hotter than it already was. Looking down at the thick, tussled hair that was tickling my chest, my heart swelled. I pulled away a little of the blonde hair, revealing her still sleeping.

Taylor was an absolutely beautiful woman with her long lashes and full lips and she really was my own personal angel. I was lucky I got her back in my life. I honestly didn’t think that I would ever get the chance to be with her again.

I hugged Taylor closer to me, letting her back mold into my chest with my arm around her waist.

Glancing on the clock that was standing on the night table, I realized we had slept almost the entire day, the clock was almost 2.30. Not that I minded though, last night had more than exceeded my expectations and I was still exhausted.

Placing a soft kiss on her bare shoulder, I jumbled the decision if I should wake her or not. Hearing her small breaths, I decided on to let her sleep for a little while longer. She was probably as worn out as I was.

Reluctantly I pulled myself away from her and climbed out of the bed. I felt sticky and beaten.

I knew I should have taken it a little bit easier, because of my injuries, than I did last night, but I got carried away. My bruises were hurting but it had definitely been worth it. I glanced across my shoulder at Taylor, seeing the cover had slid off her back that was facing me. I had to bite my inner cheek hard to control myself to not crawl back into the bed. There was a naked, gorgeous woman in my bed that had complete power over me, so I really needed to start controlling myself to not be all over her all the time.

Forcing myself to look away, I walked away from the bedroom and into the bathroom. Taking a look in the mirror, I saw that I looked more tussled up than I thought. My bruises were still dark and my hair was a little messed up so I looked like crap at the moment.

Stepping into the gigantic shower, I put on the water and actually enjoyed that it was rather cold. Feeling my entire body and especially my muscles being sore, I leaned my hand against the wall and let the cold water drizzle my neck and back.

I realized I hadn’t been this happy in what felt like forever. I had the woman I loved, my family was safe, my company was going steady and my brother had found his soul mate. I couldn’t deny the genuine smile that was spreading on my face.

A few minutes later, I stepped out of the shower feeling totally cleaned and refreshed. I put on some light washed jeans and a dark green tank top. Checking myself in the mirror, I saw the small cuts from yesterdays’ failed shaving were starting to look better. I was still feeling embarrassed over that. How could I have been so damn nervous that I couldn’t even shave normally?

Deciding to shrug it off I flexed my muscles the slightest bit in the mirror and felt the proudness and ego fill med up over last night’s accomplishments. It meant a lot to me that I still knew how to fulfill Taylor’s needs, maybe even more now than before?

Grinning to myself I put on some cologne and walked out from the bathroom to find the bed empty. Looking around, I turned my eyes out on the balcony where the blond haired woman was standing in one of my oversized shirts that reached her mid thigh.

Feeling it tugging in my chest at the way she so carefully had selected one of my favorite t-shirts, I walked up to the glass door and slid it open and stepped out. Taylor stood perfectly still as I moved closer, taking in the courage to go up to her. I carefully slipped my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my chest.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now