Chapter 39

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Taylor's POV

My anxiety and my worries had only increased the closer we got to Rome. Tom had ensured me that Hirato, Mellie and Bill would get themselves somewhere safe while we were on our way back, but it only eased me the slightest bit. I was still hurt and angry that none of them had told me they were being followed and threatened. These were the people I loved most in my life and something like this was tearing me apart from the inside and out. If any of them were in danger because of me I would never forgive myself.

During the car ride back, Tom had been sitting almost nonstop calling a bunch of people, including Georg and Gustav. He asked each one of the callers if he knew anything more about the situation but after several pointless calls after another, he put the phone down.

We were getting closer and I had so many questions to ask Tom but I didn’t have the energy and I think neither of us was in the mood to have a discussion, we just wanted to get back as soon as possible.

The both of us had packed our bags as fast as possible and put on the first thing we could grab onto. I had just thrown on a pair of jeans with a sweater and Tom had put on jeans and a shirt. We probably looked like a mess but in the stress and rush to get away we didn’t have time to think about our appearances. I did feel disappointed we didn’t get the last days alone or even had a chance to wrap up our little holiday properly, but it was a critical situation right now.

We entered the city of Rome but Tom didn’t take the usual turn towards the house that we had been living in the past few weeks. He looked tensed but confident in where he was heading so I didn’t question it.

Driving for another 45 min, we reached a smaller unacknowledged part of the town. It had narrow streets and uneven streets that were cracked and destroyed. Clothes were hanging over lines that were outstretched between the broken windows and the walls and ground were dirty and covered in trash. It felt like we had entered a less fortunate part of Rome where there wasn’t much money to spend.

-Tom, won’t your car attract a lot of attention? I asked hesitantly as I looked outside the window at small children looking with gawking eyes at the black car gliding along the street.

-Yes but we’re soon there, he answered as we drove for another few minutes until he pulled upped by a really dainty looking building that had water damage and the paint had started to flake off.

Even the windows and doors were broken down and looked like they had seen a couple of tough years. Tom walked out of the car and pulled up a large garage door before he took a seat in the car again.

With the rumbling engine we drove inside the dark garage, away from the eyes of the street.

Bill’s car standing to the side, covered half with a sheet. Tom closed off the engine and stormed out from the car, smacking the door shut with enough force to make a large bang echo around. Holy shit he was mad this time...

I quickly walked out after him and ignored our bags in the trunk and tried to keep up with Tom’s long steps. He was walking fast and with stern steps as we came out into a small narrow hallway with a couple of closed doors. It looked like the house hadn’t had any visitors for at least a couple of years.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now