Chapter Fifteen

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I knocked on the door of the address Leah texted me. It was an apartment near campus known to be a main hub that many students rented. It was modest and close enough that it was convenient to live at and go to school.

It was a simple community and so far boasted more security than really required.

Leah opened the door with a beaming smile.

Instantly, I felt underdressed.

The white dress hugged her figure closely and the plunging neckline made me feel inadequate. She curled her hair and attached silver streaks to it. On the top of her head sat a pink feathered plastic crown with the word "Bride" in bold black letters.

She outdid herself in make-up with darker colors and expertly done lips and eyes.

She was breathtaking.

I was definitely underdressed.

"You made it!" She jumped with joy and captured me in a large hug. "Mia, look who's here!"

I watched as Mia emerged from a room inside the apartment. She, too, was dressed ready for the party. She shone in a sequin gold dress with necklaces and bracelets and some of the highest heels I'd ever seen.

She smiled from the doorway in the living room. "So nice of you to join us."

Surprised at her tone, I frowned. It made me question why I was there in the first place.

Leah let me go from the immense hug and stood back. "Is that what you're wearing?"

I looked down at my jeans, black blouse and flats.

Leah laughed and stood aside, welcoming me inside, "Come on in."


Leah looked at me in an appreciative way. "You know, Emmy, I don't think I've ever seen you in heels before."

Mia snickered. "You do know how to walk in them, don't you?"

I gave her the stink-eye. "Just because I choose to wear flats and sandals, it does not mean I don't know how to walk in them. I walk in them pretty well, thanks."

In the end after much fighting and back and forth, they'd managed to put me in a see-through black long-sleeve top. I had a black bra underneath which matched pretty well with the waist-high fake leather pink mini skirt. I felt like I was more covered in a towel but it was the only top Leah had that would cover the neck.

The handprint was still there and while it was fading, it wasn't doing it as fast as I wanted it to. I didn't want to bring it up until after Leah's bachelorette party not wanting to take away from any of the fun. I resigned to the see-through shirt since the thick black turtleneck collar that was attached covered everything how I wanted it to.

Leah did notice it though.

She noticed it as she curled my hair with the curling iron. She had let one go and let it bounce on my shoulder when she noticed it. She glanced at my neck and watched my face in the mirror. I watched her as she called to Mia. "Hey, do you think you can get me a glass of water?"

Mia sighed and left the room.

Leah approached me and tugged at the collar of the shirt. "What's this? What's going on?"

I pulled away from her reach. "Nothing, I just had an accident."

Leah shook her head and whispered, "That's not nothing. That looks like magic. What happened while Damien and I were gone?"

This new Leah surprised me. She'd never shown that she'd care about me - she was only ever mean. Her eyes were sympathetic now, full of concern. Even her face was solemn - she knew the seriousness of the situation.

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