Chapter Thirty-One

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I felt like I rubbed my skin raw trying to take all of the blood from my hair and my skin.

I didn't even know I was still covered in that fae's blood.

The bathroom was not as large as the ones in Blackdown Keep but had the basics. There were clean towels, a small tub and a small shower. It was still beautiful with what I thought was marble throughout.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror after the shower, still unbelieving at the stranger staring back at me. Even as I ran a hand through my hair and watched the silver strands through my fingers I couldn't believe it was actually mine.

I could still see myself staring back in reflection but couldn't. My face was flawless. Previously, I could see my pores and acne scars from my teenage years but now, it was all smoothed away. It looked like my skin had been airbrushed for a magazine cover. My skin color evened out throughout my features, no more tan line from the time I was out in the sun with a T-shirt on.

It was very disorienting.

I ignored the reflection staring back at me and turned my attention to the black dress propped on the corner of the room.

I groaned. I was so done playing dress up, I was ready to go home.

I needed to come up with a plan. I needed to leave as soon as I could. I searched the drawers and found nothing. All of the small drawers in the counter were empty save for some towels.

Instantly, I knew what to do.

I ran to the window and started to look for a lock, handle, anything. Somehow, I was able to open it, making an opening large enough for me to fit through.

I quickly put the dress on since it was the only thing available and started ripping the towels into large strips and tying them together. I walked over to the window and was suddenly stopped.

Robyn appeared in front of me arms crossed, a devious smile on his face. "My dear, did you really think I would leave you alone?"

My stomach turned. The fact that he had seen me at my most vulnerable made my skin crawl.

He laughed. "It's nothing I've never seen before."

Nostrils flaring, I opened my mouth to start a slew of curses and insults.

He only grabbed my hand. "Time for breakfast."

Instantly, I was in a wooden, intricately carved chair in a beautiful dining room. There were large windows all around and oversized open doors that led to a balcony.

I made my move, running towards the open doors when, again, Robyn appeared in front of me.

This time, he grabbed my face. His nails dug into my cheeks. "You are really trying my patience." He sounded like he really was restraining himself. "Do something like this again and I will put you in a cell without any food."

He pushed me away with such force I stumbled back a couple of steps.

When I wouldn't move, he pointed to the chair. His voice was venomous and left absolutely no room for argument. "Sit. Down."

As soon as he snapped his fingers, my body moved and I thrust itself into the chair.

As soon as I was in the chair, the overwhelming feeling of being taken over disappeared and I was free again to look around.

Azazeal was standing near the chair, still as immovable as a statue watching every movement.

I didn't cringe under his gaze. I knew that he wouldn't do me any harm.

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