Chapter Twenty

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The smile on my face fell.

The small light in my hand extinguished immediately making the room fall instantly darker.

I felt small. Uncomfortable.

I cleared my throat and stepped away from Damien, careful to avoid Leah's gaze.

She casually walked up to Damien and held on to him tight as Damien hugged her back. They seemed to fit perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle. The top of Leah's head just graced Damien's chin.

She did not seem happy.

Damien didn't seem to notice. He only nodded at the man over Leah's shoulder. "Send them in."

Instantly, figures appeared in the room. First one then two then five. All were on a knee, heads down, swords drawn and out in front of them. They rested the tip of the sword on the floor with their hands folded on the hilt in front of them, resting higher than their head.

Three men and two women, I noticed.

And all showing respect for Damien, their King.

I swallowed hard. Never in a million years did I think I'd see something like this.

"Please rise," Damien spoke. "There is no need for formality."

They all rose to full height and sheathed their sword as they did, taking off their helmets.

They were all heartbreakingly beautiful. The women in their armor still had delicate features, their eyes and brow were raised slightly towards the end, their long dark hair trailing behind them. They wore heavy armor on their chest and back while their legs and arms were draped in rich dark fabric. The armor was a dark metal, intricate and had depictions of a river, moonlight, and trees.

The men had similar armor as well but it also covered their legs and arms, with pointed larger than life shoulders. They were no less attractive with high cheekbones, both dark and fair skin. Dark hair, purple hair, blonde.

As always, I felt the most inadequate one there.

The first man that appeared before the others, didn't rise. He kept his head low and sword in front of him.

Damien spoke. "Oren, please rise."

I couldn't believe it--the Oren? Was this really Cat?

"I won't, Alteazor. I failed in protecting the Lady of Elendil last night."

Damien spoke again. "She is safe, please cut yourself some slack, you were ambushed."

He shook his head but didn't move anything else.

One of the women sighed, the one with the dark skin and eyes. "He keeps beating himself up over this, Alteazor. He feels as if he has failed her."

The atmosphere was casual, though they spoke to Damien with respect. It seemed as if they had all been friends for a long time. For a moment, I felt like a stranger.

Damien sighed and looked at me. "Emylin, Lady of Elendil - do you forgive this guard for his perceived failure?"

I blanched. "You mean me?"

Damien nodded and raised an eyebrow. "Please just say you forgive him so he can concentrate on the task at hand."

I blinked, looking back at the man. "Um, ok? I forgive you."

He finally stood to full height, sheathing his sword and taking off his helmet. I recognized him immediately. He'd been the one that saved my life the night that Leah had taken down a section of the forest behind my house. I couldn't forget the hazel eyes or the dirty blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail.

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