Chapter 2

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^Kane up top^
Btw...This is William Levy. I think he's called the Cuban version of Brad Pitt OvO

Three days.

It's been almost three days since the Alpha last saw me. Three days since I left home. Three days of bread and water. Three days of nothing.

Drip, Drop

Water dribbled from the ceiling, dripping onto my face as I sat in silence, waiting for someone to open the door. My body was stiff from barely any movement. My hair, matted and sticky. Dirt had gotten on every inch of my body.

Alpha Kane was on my mind, as he had been since he left. I hated him. The hatred of my own pack was nothing compared to the one I had for him.


That word meant a lot to me at one point in my life, as did it to everyone else in my pack. Mates were sacred; a bond shared between two people who share the same soul. Once found, mates were supposed to be inseparable. But Alpha Kane had broken that bond. He didn't want me. And I didn't want him.

I was about to try and pull against the chains again, seeing as I had nothing better to do, when the door to the outside world opened to reveal a well-dressed woman with hair the color of the sun.

Her scent was a piercing sour smell that made me want to hold my nose with disgust. Perfume. It hid the very best parts of a person's natural order and replaced it with one that was fake and sour. It was the alcohol base that most brands used.

The woman was tall, just taller than me by a few inches, and had an hourglass-like figure. Her deep maroon dress clung to her body like a second skin. There, on her ring finger was a diamond ring the size of my thumbnail. Behind the woman were two guards standing just behind the door frame. They were obviously awestruck by this barbie, never really taking their eyes off of her.

"Aren't you cute," she mocked, walking my way. "So, this is my husband's little prisoner? His...mate?" she turned her head to asked one of the guards with a viciousness I only ever encountered in Markus. They both avoided her gaze.

"You must be the wife," I replied.

I hate you.

I hate him.

Alpha Kane was eleven years older than me, making him around twenty-nine, almost thirty. He isn't the first Alpha to do it, but five years ago, he married a woman he went to school with; at least, that's what everyone was told when he suddenly came off the market. It's normal to have relationships before we find our mates, but its always an unspoken rule that once you do find them, it's the end of that relationship.

Sometimes, however, people don't follow that rule.

"What exactly are you doing here?" the alpha's wife asked me, dropping the fake smile she had plastered on her face only a moment before.

"I already told your alpha." Although, I wasn't sure if he had believed me or not.

"Kane already told me the sparse details you gave." She shewed off her guards, and when they didn't budge, she growled menacingly at them. They both begrudgingly left with their heads lowered. Then she opened the door to my cell and stood only a few feet away from me. "What I want to know is the things you didn't say. Did you think coming here would save your miserable life, rogue?"

I scoffed.

"Or, did you think you could fuck my husband?"

At the prospect of that, I stood up with lightning speed, anger boiling inside my chest, and spat directly on her ruby-red heels the same way she did me. How dare she even suggest that? I wasn't a common whore, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let her think that either.

Her hand went flying, hitting me square on the cheek. Thankfully, it only stung for a second before the pain subsided.

"You bitch!" she sneered. "I allowed Kane to spare your life and this is how you repay me?" She wiped the edge of her shoes against the floor. Just for good measure, her pointed heel stomped directly on my foot as if she were trying to prove a point. I gritted my teeth against the pain, willing myself not to yell.

"I owe you nothing," I said once she released me.

The woman folded her arms over her chest, glaring down at me as I sat, pulling my knees up to my chest. I was done with this conversation. Besides, there were more important things I needed to think about.

"You'll regret that."

Alpha Kane's wife growled as if it would get her the attention she so desperately craved, and when I refused to meet her eyes, she stormed out.

Despite the fact that she hit me, I was glad I met her. She gave me a few more reasons as to why Alpha Kane needed to reject me.

It couldn't have been more than ten minutes before someone appeared at the door again. I saw their shadow first, and then the metal of the door crumpled and was thrown across the room. I screamed in terror, not knowing who it was until that amazing scent filled my nose.

Alpha Kane looked about ready to punch something.

He started pacing the room with heavy strides, back and forth, fuming, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"How dare you!" Alpha Kane roared. He rubbed his temples as his pace got slower, coming to a complete standstill in front of me. "How dare you disrespect Katharine?" He yanked me up by my shoulders, rattling me.


I couldn't even get a sentence out before he dropped me. I barely managed to land on my feet.

"You are nothing!"

Kane's fist shot out and made a crater into the wall beside my head, inches away. As I watched him strike it again, all I could think about was how those punches were meant for me.

"Reject me!" I yelled out, on the verge of tears again. How many times did I have to beg? How many times did I have to ask before he agreed?

His roar was evidence that he didn't like that idea at all. His hand came around my throat, lifting me in the air, as he drew me close. I could barely breathe. As I struggled, his eyes turned remorseful, but he refused to let go.

"Why did you come here?"

There was no way I could speak.

"Tell me!"

I was desperately trying to pry his fingers away, but he was so much stronger than I was. The pain was unbearable. To have one's mate hurt you was the worst pain a wolf could go through. There was nothing comparable.

When he finally released me, I was partially thrown to the floor. I cried as my ankle twisted under my weight and my palms scratched the rough floor.

"Please," I crawled to him and wept at his feet, begging for mercy. "I-I can't..."

That was when the room went black.


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