Chapter 11 pt.2

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There was no stopping it.




I was going to die.


The sky was the bluest I had ever seen. Nothing could compare to it. Not a cloud in sight and the sun was shining brilliantly down on me.

I wasn't scared. I wasn't terrified that I would die in a few short seconds. I guess the shock of it all was getting to me. I wasn't aware of their sharp teeth or the she-wolf's paw digging into my chest. 

I wasn't scared at all.

The creek made a splashing noise. A fish had jumped from the water's surface, making a perfect arch back in. A large bird of prey tried diving for it but missed, its claws making ripples where the fish's tail would have been. 

A squirrel family scampered across a high tree limb. There was a papa and momma, and two babies behind them. The largest one- the papa- carried an acorn in his hands while the momma had her cheeks full. The babies climbed over each other, both trying to get as close to the parents as possible. 

One slipped, its legs swinging over the edge of the branch. His tiny cry was heartstopping. The momma looked back and hurriedly tried to grab him. Finally, he hooked his legs int the bark and climbed back up. 

A small leaf from the branch began floating down, swaying back and forth as it came obeyed the laws of gravity. It was a dark orange leaf, with dark brown edges and thin veins. 

There was a rustling sound on the other side of the creek, but I was so focused on the leaf, that I paid it no mind except acknowledging that it happened. It was probably a deer. 

The wind picked up and carried the leaf farther right. It swung in a 'U' shape, back and forth, back and forth. No real end in sight. 

The deer got closer, enough so that two of the wolves turned to look at it. They backed away slowly, snarling loudly at the creature.

The she-wolf looked over her shoulder, shifting her weight from on top of me. I could've used that moment to escape, but I was so enthralled by the leaf. Would it ever land?

More wolves began to growl to the point where I realized no one was watching me. 

The leaf touched the tip of my nose, leaned to the side, and slid to the forest floor. It didn't make a sound like I thought it would have. Instead, it was as silent as the area around me. Still and completely silent.

I shifted back and sat up. 

All the wolves had stepped back, showing off their teeth but not making a sound. They were waiting for something, maybe the creature, to make a move. 

Kane stepped out from the shadows, peering down at us from the cliff. His golden eyes searched ever figure until they landed on me. Then he hurled himself from the ledge and landed straight up in the rushing water, unphased by the impact. 

I bit my lip as I watched his intimating wolf get larger as he approached. With every step, he would puff up his chest and let out a low snarl. 

Two of the four wolves ran with their tails between their legs. The others stood their ground, clenching their teeth in challenge. 

I laughed to myself when I saw the exchange. She underestimated Kane's strength and his ability to overpower anyone. Whether by using his authority as an alpha or just by sheer brute force, he was capable of fighting anything- including the she-wolf. 

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