Chapter 6 pt.2

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"Thank you for dinner," I told Kane. We just finished dessert and I was ready to go back to my room. 

Katherine continuously glared at me the entire time. According to her, she had no idea I was out of the cell and that Kane had been to see me a few times since then.

The mood shifted once more as the alpha and I locked eyes for the fifth time. The connection was still there, stronger than it was the last time this happened.

Was this what marking felt like? 

I stood to leave, not saying a word to either of them as I left the dining hall.

The hallways were empty and dark. It was late at night, way beyond my normal sleeping time, though since coming here, I haven't had much real sleep.

I stopped many times to examine paintings. I wasn't big on art, but I did appreciate a good painting when I saw one. I continued this, walking for a few steps and stopping, for a long while. Truthfully, I was delaying going back to my room. It was starting to feel more like a cell than the real cell in the basement did.

The lights flickered above me.

"What are you doing here?" A low, angry female voice asked from behind me. I turned around to see who it was.

"Looking at the picture," I smirked pointing at the painting of a dog. It was funny, but not surprising. The dog was an English Setter, a beautiful white coat with brown spots, that was looking off in the distance. I followed his eyes up the hill in the background. There lied a castle I didn't recognize. 

Katherine reached for me and wrapped her dainty fingers around my neck, lifting me off the ground like I was a ragdoll. I wheezed when she tightened her hold, using her nails to dig into my flesh.

"Don't play with me," She growled. She wasn't as intimidating as her husband, but the way she pressed me against the wall told me she wasn't a force to be reckoned with either. "Why. Are. You. Here?"

"Alpha...Kane," I managed to get out between gasps of air.

"He wouldn't purposely bring you here. Into my home!" She peeked down the hallway and then back up at me. "Then again, you are his mate. Kane can't control himself when the beast comes out."

My jealousy was at an all-time high. The way she smirked at me when she mentioned his beast told me she's seen it before. 

My toes curled with disgust. Despite myself, I felt nausea because of it.

I struggled harder, flailing my arms to try and hit her face. She refused to back down, completely blocking my airways.

She dropped me a second later, once my face turned a bright red color, and stood towering over me as I fell to the ground.

"Stay away from him! I won't say it again." She turned on her six-inch heels and strutted in the opposite direction, swaying her hips in time to her steps. 

"Oh, and by the way," she added before she disappeared. "If I catch you, I'll make sure you never leave that cell again."

I slumped forward and held back the tears. Not here. Not now. I needed to find a place to decompress. Fast.

I rose, wiping the dust from my leggings, and tried to find the nearest room to cry in. I searched up and down the hallway, but all I found were bedrooms. I needed somewhere more secluded, away from prying eyes. From a certain alpha's ears.

I followed the path down to the dining hall, but instead of going through the large oak doors, I made a sharp right and followed the red carpet down to the end. A single dark oak door stretched out in front of me. Intricate carvings decorated the frame.

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