Chapter 9

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After my deal with the bad boys, I looked at the time and saw that it was late and I had to get home so I left and started walking home, but then a car drove up beside me and the windows rolled down to reveal Ryder.

"You need a lift" he said, his British accent making my heart go into overdrive.

I didn't really want a ride since walking was the only time of the day when I was at peace with myself.

"I know that look. You're going to decline the offer" Ryder said. "Look around Dori. You're not familiar with this neighborhood and some really bad people live in These parts. There's a possibility that you won't make it home safely and what kind of friend would I be if I let that happen?"

Friend. It's going to take a long while to get use to that.

I looked around and realized that I really wasn't familiar with the place at all. I didn't even know my way home from there.

My eyes travelled over to a group of ragged looking men smoking in the corner while looking at me.

Those were certainly not the type if people I would want an encounter with.

I looked back at the black Challenger that Ryder was driving and got into the passenger seat.

Ryder smirked at me in satisfaction. "Good choice" then we drove off.

The ride to my house was silent, except for the occasional times when Ryder would ask where I lived and which way he should turn. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was a comfortable one, which I found weird since I'm rarely comfortable around people.

After about 15 minutes of driving, we arrived in my neighborhood.

"So, are you ok with .... The deal?" He asked, a little bit heasitantly.

"Yea, sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason. I was just asking to make sure you're comfortable with us. I don't want you to feel intimidated by us. And we don't want you to think that if you don't do something we ask we'll punish you for it. We're not like that. We might be bad in some ways, but we're really good people and we're really protective of the ones we care about" glanced at me, hoping to catch a glimpse of my reaction towards his words.

"Well we'll see about that" I responded. "It's that blue house right up there" I pointed to my house and he drove up to it and stopped.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow Dori"

"Yea, I'll see you" I mumbled and then got out of the car and walked up to the door.

I turned around and noticed that Ryder was still there, hush eyes trained on me.

"You can leave now" I told him.

"I know. I'm waiting until you get into the house"


" Because, maybe if I leave then someone might come out of the bushes and grab you, so I'm waiting until you get in" he said with a goofy smile.

I gave him a playful glare and rolled my eyes at him. "Good night Ryder"

"Good night Dori" he said and gave me a soft smile that made my heart flutter.

His eyes held mine for a while. Something flashed in his eyes that I didn't quite recognize.

I, regrettably, tore my gaze from his hypnotising blue-green eyes and turned around and opened my door.

I stepped  inside the warm house, but not before throwing Ryder one last look and a small smile.

When I closed the door, I leaned against it.

What have I gotten myself into.

It was then that I realized the sweet smell of chocolate coming from the kitchen.

I walked over to it and saw Caroline taking a batch of cookies from the oven.

So that explains the warm feel of the house and the smell. Caroline was baking chocolate chip cookies.

Her blonde hair was tied in a neat bun and a red apron covered her red and white dress and she wore red pumps. She looked beautiful, almost as if she was going on a date.

"Hey I'm home" I said to her when she turned around to put the tray on the counter.

Her green eyes snapped up to look at me. "That's good honey. Go get the table ready please" she said to me.

I turned around and went to set the table and was back in no time.

"Your father and I are going to celebrate our anniversary tonight"she said when I got back. and I flinched a little when she said 'father'.

James was not my father.

"and I don't want you to disturb us ok?" She added with a Stern look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, sure" I replied. If she wanted time alone with her husband then she didn't have to ask me twice.

"Good, now go up to your room or something but I don't want you here when he gets here." She said using her hand to shoo me away.

"My room?" I asked her.

"Well yes. Where else would you go? You don't have any friends and a girl like you is only good enough for studying in her room everyday" she spoke in a harsh tone.

Way to be blunt.

My stomach dropped at the insult she gave me and there was a sad look on my face which she didn't fail to notice.

"Oh honey" she said in a sympathetic tone which I'm sure was fake. She cupped my face. With both her hands and I had to look down at her seeing as she was a few inches shorter than me.

"I know you feel bad but it's true. You can't hide it so it's best if you just embrace who you are." She added.

Tears were stinging at the corners of my eyes, begging me to let them fall but I didn't. I wouldn't cry in front of her, so I turned around and sprinted up the stairs to my room and cried my eyes out.

I didn't cry because I was offended. I cried because what she said was true, and even I knew it.

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