Chapter 27

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A smirk made it's way onto his wrinkled face when he took a note of my shocked ,albeit, fearful expression. He took a step towards me and chuckled. His Sapphire eyes raked over my body, taking me in.

"My, my. Look how you have grown" he said with a smile on his face that almost looked genuine. "You look like your mother" he smirked again and I flinched at the mention of my mother. Memories of what happened the night she died flooded my mind as a looked back at him.

"So!" He exclaimed clasping his hands together. "Did you miss me?" He grinned as if waiting for me to say that I missed him.

"On the contrary actually" I said to him. "I wish you were still in that hell hole rotting" at that, his smile fell instantly and a look of anger washed over his features.

My body trembled slightly in fear. I knew I shouldn't have said that to him, especially not when so many people were watching. It would just anger him more.

I closed my eyes tightly, preparing myself for the slap I would soon receive from him.

It never came though.

As if on cue, Ryder, Micah and Dennis pushed through the crowd.

"What's going on here?" I heard Dennis say, then their eyes travelled over to me and to the man standing in front of me, then back to me.

Ryder came over to me and held my arms. "Are you ok?" He asked with worry and concern taking over his features.

I scoffed. If he really cared, he wouldn't have left me in the first place.

"Yeah" I gave him a sarcastic smile. "I'm perfectly fine". He frowned at my sarcasm and I pulled away out of his grip feeling angered and hurt.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends sweetheart?" I heard my sorry excuse of a father say.

"No, actually. I'm not" I replied. I had absolutely no idea where my newfound confidence came from. In the past, I would've never talked to my father that way. I knew that I shouldn't push my luck and talk to him this way either but I just couldn't stop.

"You better watch your mouth young lady" he said pointing a finger at me and taking a step closer but before he could get too close, Micah stepped in front of me protectively.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said. "If you touch her, I will break every single bone in your body starting with the finger you touched her with" he threatened.

I should've felt good at the fact that he was trying to protect me but I didn't. After all, I wouldn't have been in this situation if they hadn't left me in the first place.

My father looked up at Micah seeing as Micah was about a foot or so taller than him. He expression melted from one of anger to one of amusement as he looked up at my friend. He let out a light chuckle as he took a step back.

"Son, I will forgive you for your threat towards me seeing as you obviously don't know who I am" he said. Then his gaze turned towards me. "You didn't tell them about me Dorian?" He asked feigning hurt as he put his hand over his chest. "I told my friends about you and my friends were my cell mates."

I scoffed and shook my head at him. "You're crazy"  I spat at him. I wasn't feeling scared anymore because I knew if he tired anything, Ryder, Micah and Dennis would defend me.

Anger flashed in his eyes. "Is that what you told them at the police station?" He asked through gritted teeth, referring to 10 years prior to this moment. "You told them I was crazy?" He took another step closer then lunged at me which resulted in a surprised gasp from all the people watching us. Fortunately, Micah and Dennis was there to block me and pushed my father backwards. "Back off" he said to him.

My father was raging. "Tell them who I am Dorian!" He yelled at me, his face red from anger.

I looked down at the ground as a tear slipped from my eye. Ryder who was standing behind me noticed this and went to put his hands on my arms. "Who the hell is this bastard Dori?" He asked. I shook my head in response as more tears slipped down my face.

"Go ahead and tell them Dori" my name rolled off his tongue in disgust. "Tell them who I am! Tell them you little bitch! Tell them that I'm-" he didn't get to finish because he was punched in the face by Ryder.

His punch knocked him out cold and his unconscious body fell to the ground.

There was complete silence in the room as everyone stared at us, seemingly shocked and trying to process what happened. Even the music was off. No one said a word.

I hung my head in embarrassment of what had happened and the fact that it took place in front of everyone.

I let out a quiet sob that caused the guys to divert their attention from the man on the ground to me.

Ryder immediately walked forward, took my hand and led me outside.

As I walked towards the door, I heard someone say ''Ok, show's over. Let's get back to the party" then the deafening music was back on.

Ryder led me outside to the car and I immediately started to cry.

Ryder took me in his arms and rubbed small circles on my back and whispered comforting words in my ear.

We stayed like that for a while until we finally broke apart and I looked to see that I soaked his shirt.

"Oh my God! Ryder I'm so sorry! I-I-I-"

"It's fine. It's just a shirt" he assured me with a small smile. Then he turned serious again. "Are you ok?" He asked, concern glistening in his icy blue pools.

"Yea, I'm fine" I whispered. I was such a liar. I had been saying that my whole life even though I knew that I was far from being fine. When I told people that I was fine, I wasn't trying to convince them, I was trying to convince myself. One time I actually started believing it. Then I thought, who am I kidding? Nothing's fine.

"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked softly as he put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up so that I was looking at him.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me" he said. "I'm not going to force you to tell me anything you don't want to"

I opened my eyes and gave him a small smile which he returned. "Thank you for understanding" I said.

"Anytime. I'm always here if you need me. I'm not going anywhere"

There was a moment of silence after that as we stared at each other. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. He shook his head, seemingly snapping out of his reverie, and smiled.

"I'm fine" he said. "Come on, let's get you home"

"Wait, what about the others?" I asked referring to the rest of the guys who didn't follow us out.

"They're looking for Kruz" he informed me. " I'll drop you off and come back to pick them up" he said.

I had been do bust with dealing with my psycho father that when the boys showed up, I didn't even realize that Kruz wasn't among them. I hoped he was ok.

"Oh" I said.

With that, I stepped into the car and he drove me home.

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