Chapter 34

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I told him.

I told him everything.

Starting from the time my parents met up to meeting my father a few weeks ago.

I told him everything.

"My mom be was a whore"

He widened his eyes at my blunt statement. His face turned a light shade of pink, making it obvious that he wasn't comfortable with what I said.

I smiled slightly and chuckled. He gave a small smile in return and raised his eyebrows in amusement and confusion.

"And you don't have a problem with saying that?"

I shook my head. "Nope. It is what it is" he nodded his head in understanding. "Anyways, here's how the story goes"

     Flashback in third person POV

Kassie stepped out of the yellow taxi and handed her cash to him.

"Thanks lady" he flashed a crooked smile her way, showing off his brown teeth in the process. His eyes raked her body up and down then he nodded his head in approval. "My, my! You are a fine little thing aren't you" he grinned.

Kassie rolled her eyes. She was disgusted by him. Yes, she was a stripper and yes she was used to people checking her out, but still, that doesn't mean she liked it, especially when it was coming from ugly, low life people like this repulsive taxi driver.

"Just give me my change" she said in an irritated tone. "I don't have time to waste"

The taxi man smirked at her. "Oh, I can give you your change baby, or I can give you something else" he said the last part seductively.

From the corner of her eyes, kassie could see the bulge in his pants. She sighed heavily, knowing exactly what his 'something else' meant.

"How much are you paying?" She asked.

The guy's smirked grew wider and eventually turned into a grin. "As much as you want baby"

She rolled her eyes again.

At least I'm getting paid She thought.

She hopped back into the taxi and did her tricks to please the guy in the backseat.

After her little moment with the taxi driver, kassie walked into the club with her $500 that she earned from him.

She greeted some of her co workers and her supervisor. Then she went around the back to change into her stripper outfit.

She sighed. It was sad that someone like her who had a good education had to do a job like this to earn money because she couldn't afford to go to college and she couldn't find better jobs.

Good jobs were scarce in the small town she lived in so the only choice she had left was to become a stripper. And why not? She definitely had the body for it.

After putting on her outfit, she went to the main stage and began doing what she did best.

She did various tricks on the pole in the centre of the stage among many other things which attracted male attention.

One particular male guy who was watching her decided that he wanted her for himself.

He went to the supervisor who was in charge and paid Her for a private show with kassie as the entertainer.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"Stop it! Stop throwing things!" Kassie shouted over the noise of things falling all over the floor.

"How could you be pregnant?! Aren't whores like you supposed to be on contraceptives or something?" John yelled at her, a vein bulging out of his neck.

Kassie flinched when he called her a whore. She didn't ask for it, any of it. She was just doing it to survive.

It had been a few weeks after John and kassie's hook up. It was a one night stand and kassie and John parted ways shortly after. But after a while, she started feeling sick and started vomiting.

She took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, to her dismay. She knew that it belonged to John as she had stopped taking contraceptives around the same time she and John met.

She found a way to get ahold of him and to put it lightly, he wasn't very happy at what he was hearing.

John never wanted a child. He thought that children would slow him down and would require too much responsibility and time. And being the leader of the baddest gang in the whole state, he didn't have that time to spare on a child.
Kassie bowed her head low as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"So, you don't want the baby?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She already knew his answer but she had hope that maybe he would change his mind.

John thought over the situation. What if it's a boy? He thought.
He did need someone to take over the mafia business when he was gone.

He sighed heavily and with a heavy heart said, "you can keep the kid. But keep it out of my space. I'll support you in providing for it but that's it, no more, no less"

Kassie was somewhat happy at his response. She was going to keep the baby whether he liked it or not, but she was happy that she at least got his support.

"Plus, I'm not gonna give you any money for an abortion either, " John said as he ran his hand through his greasy hair. " I've got better  things to do than that"

Kassie nodded and didn't say a word.


Kassie sighed in exhaustion. What now? She thought.

The tiny five year old figure ran into the kitchen and hugged the leg if her mother with her small, chubby hands.

"What is it Dori?" She looked down at her child.

"Daddy's here" Dori whispered timidly.

It had been five years since she gave birth to the lovely little girl. John was enraged when he found out her gender.

He wanted a son to take over, not a girl.

Because of that, he hated the child and wished she was never born

She's a waste of time and money! Was what he said.

He abused his child and her mother, both mentally and physically.

Kassie also grew to develop a slight amount of hatred for her daughter as well.

This is all your fault! I wouldn't be going through this if you had not been born. I should've gotten rid of you when John told me to.

Dori was as innocent as any child would be, but she suffered a whole lot because of her parents.

She watched them fight each other every night. She was abused by them too, both physically and mentally.

Her parents ruined her childhood, and that was something she could never get back.

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