#1 Prepare

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This is SUCH an important part of the process, I can't stress it enough! You must prepare your story and get all of your ducks in a row before you start. The difference between a good story and a great story happens before you even start your first chapter. Make an outline of your entire story (if only in your head, but it's wise to put it in ink) and make sure that you always know whats going to happen next. If you get stuck, use this advice: Start with the end. Figure out how the whole thing is going to end and where everyone will end up, and work backwards from there. Also, be sure to jot down your ideas for any key scenes in the plot, if you have any yet, and make any notes that you can about your characters in advance. If you have original characters, make sure you know their personalities well and be sure to keep them consistent throughout the story. Take your time to set everything up before you dive in - it will make your story better and your writing easier. 

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