#3 Grammar

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Another really basic tip that can help your stories is to make sure that you are using correct spelling and grammar at all times (at least, try your best - we all make mistakes every so often!). In general, DON'T trust spell check or grammar check. Unfortunately they aren't always correct. If you aren't sure about something, check some reliable sources.

In general, here are some basic rules:

- Know the difference between

there, their, and they're

your and you're

to, two and too

- Know how to use contractions properly. 

- All sentences begin with a capital letter.

- All proper nouns begin with a capital letter. 

- Know when, and how, to properly use all forms of punctuation including: commas, parentheses, colons, semicolons, etc. 

- And PLEASE, when someone new begins speaking, you must begin a new paragraph! If your entire chapter is one long block of text, no one will read it. So for example, character 1 speaks: first paragraph. Character 2 begins to speak: second paragraph. Character 1 speaks again: third paragraph. And so on. 

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