Chapter Sixteen

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N/A: Ok I really enjoyed writing this even if it is such an evil thing to do. I wanted to make things get crazy so here we go. I hope you like it.

"Why did it have to be when I was in the damn shower." I whined to myself. The setting around me was pitch black, the only light coming from the doors window. I had been showering when a very unfortant event happened - Dean. 

To say that it shocked me was an understatement. I was furious, he didn't know the first thing about privacy and I will kill him for that. "Sam," I shook him once more. "Come on."

He let out a slight moan and pouted in his sleep. I didn't have to be put to sleep, as soon as he told me he had Sam, I came willingly. Surprisingly enough, I was unharmed for once. 

"Isabel Green." Muttered a very familiar voice. I tilted my head up at the door and squinted awkwardly. There wasn't enough light to see her face, seeing as it was glowing off her back. Her high heels tapped forward, clicking with each frightening step. 

The lights flickered on and I squeezed my eyes shut, it burnt my pupils and tears streamed helplessly. "Rebecca?" I let out a gasp. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll do the questioning." She barked, kicking her foot into Sam's side angrily. He let out a low whimper as his eyes flickered open. 

"What was that for?!" He stared at me in horror. "I was sleeping."

"It wasn't me," I gulped. 

"Then who-"

She pressed her lips against his and he cringed beneath her. I glared angrily and stood to my - very wobbly - feet. My hand reached out, shoving her to the side. "Don't touch him." 

"Or what, nerd."

"Else you'll see." I spat. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist before I could reach Sam. I kicked around in shock as the owner pulled me up against his chest, nibbling at my ear. "Get off me!"

"Why? Don't you like it?" He muttered. I could hear him chuckling and felt uncomfortable in his grasp. "You did that once when we were in your room." 

"Al-" He covered my mouth. 

"Yes," he breathed. "I always get what I want." I kicked my leg back hesitantly and just skimmed his area, I fell to the floor as he gripped hold of himself. "Don't do that."

I stared up at him in disbelief. Alex working with Rebecca? That's not something you see everyday. I'm pretty sure Dean brought us here anyway, what was up with these two. Why were they here?

As if he had heard me, Dean stumbled. "Daddy!" I heard Rebecca squeal. Daddy?

"Hey princess." He cooed, lifting her up in his arms and kissing her cheek. "How's your day going?"

I can't believe they're having a casual conversation through this?! 

"Well, I'm glad Sam's here. But why is she?" Her finger trailed towards me and I smiled smugly. "I hate her."

"That's his-" He paused looking at me. "Toy." 

"Toy?" I yelled furiously. "I'm his girlfriend." I justified. "Sam?"

He peeked his eyes up at me and smiled. I looked at him with a confused expression as he winked. "I'm Rebecca's," he grumbled at me, but the lie didn't quite meet his eyes. 

I let out a gasp at him, throwing my shoe at his head in horror. "You're not!"

"I am." He huffed, grasping my arm. "I'm sorry." 

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