Chapter 13 - Sara's right

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"Annie this is crazy, you hate parties,"

"Well let's loosen up a bit then!" I said applying a final coat of dark red lipstick and pushing down my dress that kept rising up.

"What suddenly made you change your mind?" Sara asked grabbing her purse and throwing mine at me.
I caught it just before it fell.

"I don't know, I just realised life's too short to miss out on opportunities like this."
This was a straight up lie, but I couldn't tell Sara about my crazy theory that our my mysterious hotline voice, Ed, could possibly be at this party.

"Liar...but I'm not gonna ask. I've booked a taxi to meet us outside the house at midnight and take us home."

"Thanks Sara, you're the best." I said drawing her into a hug.

"Now let's go partayy!"


"Take this" Jamie said, handing me a red solo cup, "I promise it's not spiked, it will just stop randomers offering you a drink,"


I had lost Sara ages ago. Her all time crush (Carter Shell) pulled her away so of course she willing went, leaving me alone in a huge house full of drunk, random people. Why do all parties play overly loud music? Probably to drown out the sound of people vomiting up their guts from alcohol poisoning.
It was not my scene. I love the first half of a party where everyone laughs and dances before intoxicating their brain so they fall down the stairs backwards or punch a hole through the wall.

Jamie, like I, was an outcast when it came to parties. I've hated them ever since my last boyfriend threw up on me multiple times at multiple parties whilst I was babysitting him.
Jamie just hated the socialising.
On most situations, I'd avoid him as much as possible but right now, I was happy for his company. The party was boring enough as it is, standing alone for hours would be torture.

"I'll be two minutes, I've got to go to the toilet." Jamie said, nearly 30 mins ago. I stood in the exact same spot, my arms crossed across my chest and my eyes darting around the room for Jamie. His words playing on repeat in my head; "Don't move, I'll be back as quickly as I can."

Jamie was gone and the house was huge, I wasn't going to waste my time looking for him so I decided to walk around a little to find someone I knew. I wasn't going to stand around forever  like a loner.

Eventually I found Katie, my Geography partner, her dark brown hair curled into waves, inches above her shoulders. I gave her a small wave from across the room with a soft smile hoping to catch her attention.

"Annie!" She squealed loudly over the booming music, rushing over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards her group dancing in the middle of the room.
"I love your dress!" She slurred, stroking her hand across the laced bodice. She was definitely drunk. Her friends, a few girls I was also quite close with, nodded in agreement and slurred more compliments even though I towered over nearly all of them in my heels.

"I love your dress too Katie!" I said back with a sweet smile. It was true. The tight red skirt paired with a black strapless top perfectly accentuated her curves as well as matching her bright red lipstick.

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