Chapter 20 - Wait

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Her | Him

Her | Him

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"Hey? No Holvan's hotline thingy?"

"You're the only person who calls, why bother? I feel like I'm repeating myself,"

"It is very robotic,"

"I know I apologised last night but I really didn't mean to lie to you,"

"It's ok, I get it, you slipped up. I didn't wanna ask last night but truthfully how was the date?"

"I mean I have no interest in him in that way at all and I spilt coffee everywhere after a dead conversation and then ran away at the end leaving him alone."

"That's a bit mean."

"Yeah but it was torturous! Honestly I think it's my worse one yet."

"I'm sure it went better than you thought."

"The amount of times I had to excuse myself to the toilet was unbelievable."

"To escape the awkwardness?"

"Yes but mainly cause I needed to go"

"What do you mean? Have you got like a minuscule bladder or something?"

I giggled the word 'No' through a laugh at Ed's comment. I let myself shut my eyes and listen to the deep chuckle echoing through the speaker of my phone. I desperately craved to hear it again.

"-I ended up drinking every time the conversation got awkward."

"Which was a lot, I'm guessing?"

"This dude can't hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes! I have better conversations with my neighbors cat!"

This got the laugh I so badly wanted to hear.

"Is this the Jamie with glasses and really high pitched voice?"

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