Chapter 22 - Yes, Maybe?

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"Where are you going?"
I quickly spun on my heels to see Sara standing a few feet away, her voice stopping me as I walked in the opposite direction of my next class. She had her signature  black jeans on paired today with a large red tee tucked in.

"Oh just to see my Aunt, it's been a while."
I subconsciously moved a piece of hair behind my ear as my eyes trailed to the ground. I had a habit of avoiding eye contact when I was lying. Sara knew this.

"You've got geography now though!" She said, "Just wait until lunch or something then speak to her,"

Sara was now walking towards me, her hair swaying in her ponytail. She could definitely tell I was lying, I can't hide anything from her. She looked at me, keeping a solid eye contact. She grabbed my arm to pull me to class when a strange surge of anger flooded through me. It was so sudden, so sharp, I couldn't stop myself from blurting out.

"No! I want to go now, so I'm in going to!"

A silence hung in the air for a few moments. Sara was in shock, as well as I was.
"What's up with you lately Annie? You've been acting all strange these past few days"

"Well maybe you would I too if your crush just so happens to know everything about you but you know absolutely nothing and you spend every night freaking out about it because he won't answer your calls and you can't contact him and you're stuck talking to his brother for like 3 days!"

My hands instantly recoiled to cover my mouth. I knew holding the palm of my hand to my lips now would do nothing in changing what I just blurted out apart from quite obviously tell Sara I've said something I didn't wish to say.

"You like Eddieee" She teased in a whisper.

I felt a warm blush rise to my cheeks but at the same time I felt my stomach churn. It made me feel ill. I wanted to throw up.

"Yes then! Maybe. I don't know! I'm confused on my feelings okay?"
Saying yes made the sick feeling worse.

"How can you like someone you've never met in person?"
Although I didn't want to admit it, she was right. I could have been speaking to a stalker or a serial killer or some creep. It was stupid of me to develop feelings over a voice through a phone.

"I don't know!"
I buried my head in my hands. My brain was spinning and the feeling in my stomach rose. Sara pushed my hands away from my face.

"C'mon, lets get to geography" She said, hoping I would follow her.

"No, I'm going downstairs to see my Aunt. Tell Mr Patterson you took me to medical or something. I'm sorry for making you late."
I really hoped Sara would let me leave, she was very much against any kind of bunking, always ensuring I went to every lesson.

"Hey don't worry about it! Sir couldn't care less for latecomers. But why see your Aunt so suddenly? Does she have something to do with Ed?"

"No, wait, maybe. Yes, maybe"

Sara laughed as she gave me a quick hug.
"Good luck with your crazy love life." She whispered in my ear while in embraced before running off to class.

I ran, skipping steps as I rushed down the stairs.
Three knocks,
on the door to my Aunt's office. The door swung open and there stood Evelyn, my mothers sister. Her face shined bright, energy busting from her bright eyes and kinda smile.

"Annie?" She said in a questioning tone, "Why are you here? You've got classes you need to be in."

"It's fine I have geography, I can catch up easily. I just wanted to ask you a few questions if that's okay?"

"Oh yeah of course, come in."
She indicated to the little couch in the corner of her office which I slumped down onto immediately, melting into the brown leather.
"What's up?" She asked, sitting across from me as she tidied the mess on her desk.

"Do you know an Edward?" I asked shakily.

"I know many Edwards, I've got a friend called Edward but also my friend's, friend's cousin is also call Edwa-"

"No I mean do help someone here called Edward or Ed even," I said quickly cutting Evelyn off.

"Yes, yes I do. Why do you need to know?"

Okay so he exists, now to check if he's my Ed.
"Does he have a younger brother?"

"Yes" She answered, questioningly.

"And he's in my grade,"


"And his younger brother is called Alex?"

"Yes" Eve said, quickly following it with; "But I really can't be giving out his personal detailed like this-"

"That's all I needed to know!" I said excitedly, standing up quickly heading towards the door.
"I just had to check he existed. That's all. Do you know where he is now?"

"No. I normally have him now because he would have geography but he didn't show up. He's signed in at the school office though. So he's in the building."

"Thank you so much Eve!" I called, throwing open her office door and running out.
I was running but I really didn't know where too. My best bet was outside the building, furthest away from the back room.

My legs led me to the outside dining area. I melted into a walk, getting my breath back as I slowed. I kept at a constant stride before turning the corner to see a lone figure sitting with their back to me.

Their brunet hair neatly swept to the side, a clean parting down one side.
They were slumped over, head in their hands and their elbows on their knees.

"Hey," I said softly but loud enough for them to hear.

The persons head snapped round suddenly. Wide hazel eyes stared back at me for a second before instantly dropping their gaze and running off in the other direction.

There was no use in running after them.

You can't ignore me forever Ed.


I don't wanna stop you so as always, keep reading


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