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"You look surprised to see me

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"You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?" Elijah asks him, hoisting me up as I wrap my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck... Finally someone sane in my life.

"You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Klaus says, trying to push the subject to the side. Elijah leans his leg out, while still holding me and kicks him through the window, I do not worry though, already knowing that he will be fine.

" Easy. I just finished renovating."Klaus says, brushing the glass off of himself.

With immense speed, he pulls me off of Elijah and attacks him, throwing him back against the table.

"You know you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family." Klaus states, hiding his smirk.

Elijah attacks him again, and Klaus is knocked against a coffin. He opens the one next to it, un-daggers a man who is lying inside, rushes to Elijah and holds him against a closed coffin by his throat. He holds the dagger up threateningly.

"Don't make me do this to you again Elijah!"Klaus growls as I stand quietly to the side, messing with my fingers.

"Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with." Elijah says.

Klaus lowers the dagger, putting it back into 'Kol's' chest.

"Mikael is dead," He says simply.

"What did you say?" Elijah asks, not sure if he heard it right.

" I killed him. With his own weapon. He's gone, Elijah. Forever."Klaus says, sighing.

"Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century." Elijah asks his brother, returning to his usual calm tone.

"Because of Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death. Things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me."Klaus says, nervously to his older brother.


"Niklaus, our guests have arrived." Elijah says from his seat next to me, both of us reading.

"Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised men, shall we?"Klaus asks, confused as to why Elijah and myself prefer literature over art.

"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you would hear us out"I stand up, seeing this as my cue to leave, wouldn't want to intrude on 'boy' night.

"Right, I'll be back ,ater." I say, kissing Elijah's cheek and Klaus's lips.

"Don't get into any trouble!" He shouts to me, before I shut the door.

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