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I enter my home, my actual home,for the first time in months, feeling the nostalgia hit me in the face as I approach the door

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I enter my home, my actual home,for the first time in months, feeling the nostalgia hit me in the face as I approach the door. Shrugging my shoulders, I push it open, remaining quiet so that I can surprise my Mum.

An officer is handcuffing her

"What's going on?" She asks, looking extremely confused and slightly offended.

"We just need to ask you a few questions about your son." pastor young replies, noticing my presence

"You can't arrest me! I'm the Mayor of this town!" She reasons, sounding flustered. He then walks up to me, doing the same, handcuffing me while still holding my Mother.

"What the fudge?" I say, my Mum stares at me, smiling for the shortest of moments at my presence.

" Not anymore, you're not"


My Mum pulls her phone out of her pocket, being allowed to make one phone call, she chooses Tyler. With my slightly increased werewolf hearing, I strain to listen in.

"Hey, mom. What's up?" Tyler's voice says, sounding the tiniest bit annoyed.

"Tyler, thank God. Are – are you okay?" She asks, joining her spare hand with my own.

"Fine. Why? What's going on?"He asks. I sigh, scanning the room around myself. A picture of April Young rests on the desk, cute.

"Pastor Young had me and your sister arrested this morning. The Council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler, don't tell me where you are, the less I know the better."

"Mom, I'm okay. Relax." He pauses a moment, "Is Evie all right?" He asks, sounding worried and concerned.

Mum ignores his question, unknowingly.

"You didn't answer your phone, honey. I was so scared that you were with Caroline.The council tuck her."

"Mum, I'm fine, is Evie alright?" He presses, I merely shrug.

I snatch the phone out of her hand, pressing it to my ear.

"Oh, I'm doing horrible." I reply, sighing.

"Why, what's wrong?" He sounds panicked, which is kind of out of the norm. Don't get me wrong, Tyler is protective, but he knows I can take care of myself.

"The coffee tastes horrid, and I still stink of salt water."

"Why do you-" bored, I hang up and pass the phone back to my Mother's out stretched hand. She smiles at me, enveloping me in her arms and I hug her back, smiling all the while.


I smile, watching them take the cuffs off of my hands.

"You know," I say, deciding to antagonise them," If you want, we could go out some time, spark up your sex life." Watching his face change as he tries to ignore me, I force on a blank face.

"I know that April doesn't have a Mother which means your available." He grunts, annoyed as he tries to get the cuffs off of me quicker.

"You look like the spanking type-"

"If you carry on, you could stay in a cell over night." He growls, glaring at me.

"Bring the handcuffs, I like it kinky." I continue, he gives up on ignoring me.

"I'm triple your age." He says, glaring at me. I shrug, playing innocent.

"I like older boys," Finally, he takes the cuffs off of my hands, I flex my wrists around, trying to banish the aching feeling. I stand up, opening the door to go and join my Mum. Quickly, I poke my head back into the room, batting my eyelashes seductively. "Call me."


I walk out to the Lockwood cellar, deciding that I'm going to clean it up a bit so that it is not as disgusting as usual on the next full moon. Heading out to the woods, I see something really off putting. Caroline flirting with my brother as he tries to push her away and explain something.

" Easy, love. Wrong time. Wrong place. Wrong equipment.Wrong person." Tyler says, pushing her away lightly.

"This is disgusting." I say,interrupting Caroline's flirting. "At least use the cellar, don't be getting on where anyone could walk past." I say, gagging.

"But he's miraculously alive. We're fugitives on the run. All signs point to hot hybrid vampire sex." Caroline tells me, as I gag even louder, finding it hilarious how she keeps getting pushed away. She then turns to me, as if catching a weird scent. "You stink of salt water." She informs me, before trying to push her lips onto Ty's but again she is pushed back.

She then turns back to Tyler, confused. "Did you just call me "love"?" She asks.

"I don't know, love. Did I?" My eyebrows raise as he says it.

"What the hell did you do to Tyler?!" Caroline and I ask in sync.

"Oh my God, you're Klaus. That's disgusting!" Caroline says, also gagging.

Tyler/Klaus then approaches me, leaning in to peck my lips,before I throw my hand up quickly to stop him.

"Not while your in my brothers body, that is disgusting." I say,backing up. He sighs.

"That witch better put me back quickly." He sighs, walking off.

Caroline and I both share a grossed out look, both turning back and hurrying to my house.


"I only had time to save one of you and you can't be killed. Rest assured, I had a worse day than you. I think it's time for us to move on; find some more werewolves" Klaus says, as I enter his mansion.He grins, rushing over to me and joining our lips, in his own body, I smile into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling away, he grins at me.

"So you can create your hybrid family? You don't know anything about family!" Rebekah yells, now that we have finished our little reunion.

"Well, I know how easily they can be silenced with a dagger." He says, earning a slaparound the back of his head.

Rebekah grabs one of the blood bags and throws it against the wall, bursting it in a rage.

"No!" Klaus shouts at her angrily. Klaus turns to face Rebekah. She has the last two blood bags in her hands.

"Drop them." He growls furiously.

" I mourned you! My heart broke thinking I'd never see you again! Evie bloody drowned in your absence." She snaps at him. He turns to look at me shocked as I find sudden interest in the ground.

" It's always been me! Not Finn, not Elijah, not Kol, me! I loved you through everything and you don't even care!" Rebekah continues, hysterically."You want your family?"She squeezes the blood bags, allowing the rest of Elena's blood to hit the floor.

" Here's your family!" She yells

"You know something, Rebekah, you're right. I don't care. From this moment on; you're not my family, you're not my sister, you are nothing." he exclaims, snapping her neck and leaving the room in a temper. Sighing, I walk over to Rebekah, and with some effort, I lift her body and lay it down on the couch.


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