Utter Betrayal

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"To my city, my home again

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"To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow..." Klaus says, raising his glass.

".and the party never end!" Marcel says also lifting his glass.

"To New Orleans." Diego says, lifting his glass as everyone else chants the same thing.

" I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No, my intentions moving forward are to celebrate what we have. What Marcel, in fact, took and built for this true community of vampires." Klaus continues as I walk down the stairs, knee high boots on with a bag on my shoulder.

"Where are you going, Evie?" He asks, pausing his speech.

"Sight seeing." I shrug, he shakes his head, gesturing for me to wait a moment.

"What about the wolf?" Diego asks, turning to look at me,

"Had you'd let me finish, Diego, you would know that there is, of course, one further matter I would like to address. As many of you know, the girl,my wife, is carrying my child. Consequently, I trust you will all pay her the appropriate respect. However, I understand that some of you are concerned by this vicious rumour that I intend to use the blood of our child to create hybrids. I assure you I do not." Klaus says,smiling at me.

Bored of Klaus's speech, I hurry out of the abattoir before I can receive a matching speech on safety.


On my stroll, I see many things, but inevitably, I am drawn towards a church. Pushing open the big oak doors, my eyes scan around, quickly taking in my surroundings, taking note of the blood stains on the floor.

Noticing that the place is dead, ironic really since I church is supposed to be a representation of life, I take free liberty to wonder around. Running my hand along the walls, I walk upstairs, curious as to what is normally kept in a Church attic.

"You're gonna love it at the compound. I already got the best room in the place picked out." Marcel's voice says, as I enter the attic. I stand awkwardly in the doorway, not realising people were up here.

" I can't leave! Remember what happened last time?" A young girl snaps, Marcel turns his head towards me.

"Sorry, am I intruding, I can go if-" I pause when a hand raps around my waist.

"Evie,you always do turn up where I want you," I shake my head, a smile resting on my face,"Plus, there's excellent light in the afternoon." Scanning the room, his eyes meet with a painting," I see you're an artist. Wonderful! I look forward to witnessing your many talents! "

"Was this his idea?" The girl asks, pained, to Marcel.

"Davina, please. I understand you're devoted to Marcel, but Marcel is devoted to me. I assume you'll want what's best for all of us. "He walks over to Marcel, stepping around me," We have a meeting to attend downstairs."

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