C2: Anything but a Mate

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I climbed the tree and jumped, catching myself on the ledge that jutted out and swung myself onto my balcony. I crept inside and leaned against my wall with my eyes closed, then finally let myself breath a sigh of relief.

"Where were you?"

Alpha Dame stood in the middle of my room, arms crossed.



"Oh. Hi Dad! And how are you this lovely evening?" I asked brightly, making sure to keep a smile on my face.

"I would be better if you told me where you just were." He told me with a dead-panned face, and I knew I would have to bring some major charm into this conversation if I was getting out of here alive.

"Would you? Well, that's just great, because I was just about to tell you! After you left, I decided to go on a run. Somehow I wound up in the woods and I passed through the stream. I slipped. I fell. I ran back. And here I am!" I spread my arms, grinning like a fool.

His eyes narrowed. "You're not telling me everything."

Damn, he's good. I need to step up my game.

"Yes, I am. What else do you need to hear?"

He gave me the stink eye and I sighed like I was finally giving up my secret. I hung my head slightly for effect and let my mouth have a mind of its own.

"I was hungry and wanted a teeny tiny snack because you know how my appetite is, it's unquenchable! So I caught a bunny and ate it, guts and blood and all, and it was very, very, very delicious. But then you want to know what happened? A whole family of bunnies just ran away right in front of me and so I chased after them-"

"Enough." He barked, and I smirked.

"What? You wanted details. Do you want more? I happened to feel very queasy after that, and then-"

"Get ready for the dinner tonight, Adira. You have an hour." He left my room, slamming the door on his way out.

I let out a breath and ran over, locking it. Did he seriously just fall for that? I tend to ramble when I lie, and I knew that was turning into a full-on monologue.

I shuddered at the thought but applauded myself for quick thinking.

Now I just needed to get ready for tonight.

As I drew a bath, my mind wandered to the idea of having a mate. Was I against it? No, I don't think so. At the same time, though, it depends on who the person I'm mated to is.

I instantly thought about what was to happen in an hour, and who was trying to find himself a mate. The Alpha of the Broken Ash pack. I involuntarily clenched my teeth, and my hands curled into fists. I've heard so many stories about him, stories that aren't at all pleasant. He's the kind of man that momma's told their kids stories about at night so they wouldn't get out of bed.

He's the kind of man that killed just for the fun of it, the kind of man that enjoyed torturing rogues. Alpha Phoenix didn't have a good bone in his body. I even heard that he was the one that killed his father so that he could become Alpha quicker.

His pack was merciless and ruthless just like their leader. I felt so sorry for whoever was going to be his mate. I really hoped it was no one from our pack, since our pack is known to be very gentle and caring, and at times spineless. 

However, those traits didn't apply to me, my father, or my mother. We are known for our iron fists, and we make sure that this pack is run smoothly, with the help of the Beta's of course. 

The Lost Hybrid (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz