Chapter 9

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Another short chapter. Sorry.


The surgery had gone without a hitch, but a few days had passed without any noise from Lance and tensions were steadily rising. Pidge had shut herself out of the group entirely, and Hunk spent all of his time in the kitchen. Shiro was in the bridge, or the training room, and didn't dare make eye contact with anyone- not even Keith or Lance, who were doing their best to stay out of everyone's way.

Eventually, Coran had coerced everyone into the kitchen while he assisted Hunk in making dinner, much to Hunk's displeasure. Lance sat at the table, leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed and his hands clasped behind his head with a faint smile on his lips. Keith wound a fork between his fingers and said nothing. Shiro was sitting tensely at the head of the table, Allura looking thoroughly troubled beside him. Hunk set a couple plates of food on the table as Pidge came into the room.

"What the heck was so important you had to interrupt my project?" She snapped, coming over to sit at her spot on the table regardless.

Lance snorted, earning him a couple looks. He stayed silent otherwise.

"Coran thought it would be a good idea to force us to have a meal," Hunk grunted, sitting down beside Pidge.

"I am sure Coran means well," Allura murmured.

"You talk like I'm not standing right here," Coran grumbled.

There was a sudden bark of laughter from across the table and everyone looked over at the culprit in alarm and confusion. By the time they'd registered what was happening, pain had gotten the better of him and Lance had been reduced to breathy chuckles. He was still clearly amused by the conversation, however, and sat up after catching his breath, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Wow, it sure doesn't take much to set you guys on each other's throats." His voice was raspy, and deep, and at some points not above a whisper, but they were the first words he'd spoken since the incident.

Hunk's face instantly lit up and he was around the table, enveloping Lance in a bear hug. After getting over the initial shock, Shiro let out a chuckle. "Coran, I assume you set this up?"

"Keith, Lance and I, yes," Coran responded with a faint grin.

"Gosh, I'd hate to think what would happen if you hadn't done this," Pidge mused, pushing her glasses further up her nose.

"Y'all can't fall apart without me," Lance whispered hoarsely.

"Don't wear yourself out, Lance," Allura warned, although a smile seemed to play at her lips. "You'll need to rest your voice if you want to maintain these results."

"Kind of you to worry about me, Princess. But I think I'll be alright." This was followed by a series of rough coughs.

"Alright, Lance, I think Allura might be right," Keith murmured, and Coran nodded. Lance sighed, but agreed to a small bit of silence as Hunk finally set him down on the floor again.

"I should make a celebratory soup," Hunk said suddenly and turned back to the kitchen. Lance let out a breathy chuckle and sat back down, a relaxed smile on his face. Keith glanced at him out of the corner of his eye but looked away when Lance tried to make eye contact. Hunk was done with the soup quickly and Lance practically pounced on making himself a bowl. He ate it slowly, though, having to be careful past the scarring in his throat. Keith ate the soup as well, and found it was actually quite appealing.

"I love this, Hunk," Lance rasped. The warm broth seemed to be doing wonders for his throat as well, but Keith wondered how long lived that would be. He hoped it would last.

"Well it's nice to hear some recognition," Hunk said, airing on amusement, and Lance chuckled again.

The meal went well, and Keith was pleased, but Lance seemed pretty worn out by the end of it. The others seemed to notice, and wasted no time in making sure Lance was on his way to bed after the dishes were cleaned. Lance complied, but paused in the doorway to wish everyone a goodnight before heading to his room.

Keith watched him go with a faint smile on his face before jumping when he felt Shiro's Galra arm on his shoulder. He looked up at the leader, and tilted his head in confusion at the amused smile playing at Shiro's lips.

"You like him" Shiro stated, and Keith's face lit up red.

"Wh- I do not!" He cried, before folding his arms and looking at the door Lance had just left through. "I'm just worried about him."

"Uh huh," Shiro said disbelievingly and ducked away from a punch with a laugh. 

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