Some Notes

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I'm going to say a few things because I'm really sick of getting the same comments over and over again.

1. The reason Shiro is so rude in this is because it's meant to be Clone Shiro before they realized, so it's just a really shitty version of foreshadowing.

2. In chapter 15 where everyone is like "bUt ThEy WeReNt DaTiNg!!!" Yeah! I know! That was Keith's confession to liking Lance in just a very manipulative way.

3. The romance is written very poorly in this. I wrote this in 2017, when I didn't know any better. I'm also aromantic and romance disgusts me on a level I cannot describe. Please stop commenting on it.

4. I actually don't like Klance as much as I did when I wrote this, nor did I ever think it was a healthy ship. Lance and Keith have very contrasting personalities and they would never work well together. It would end up being quite toxic. That fact ended up leaking into the story and how they treated each other. For that, I apologize.

I don't want to take this story down because people are genuinely enjoying it, I'm just really really angry at seeing the same thing over and over again and no one understanding. I thought all of this was pretty clear but I guess I gotta explain it.

Additionally, for those of you who followed me for this story, I don't write here anymore. I actually hate coming to this account for these reasons, but I don't have the heart to delete the account and all these stories I spent hours on once upon a time. If you want to read more of my content, I have stories on my Archive Of Our Own. The profile is nyanbacon.

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